ICTP 2017

Atomic Processes in Plasmas

This event, which was held at the ICTP from 27 February to 3 March 2017, provided advanced training in theoretical and computational methods for atomic processes in plasmas. The schedule featured lectures by international experts, exposure to some important codes, invited and contributed research talks, posters and discussion sessions, with good time available for personal interaction.

Further details about this event are available on the ICTP website


  • Bastiaan BRAAMS (IAEA)
  • Hyun-Kyung CHUNG (IAEA)
  • Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)

Local Organizer

  • Joseph NIEMALA (ICTP)


The conditions in laboratory and industrial plasmas, laser-produced plasmas, astrophysical plasmas, and warm and hot dense matter are determined by numerous atomic processes including electron-ion and heavy particle collisions, photon-induced processes, and radiative decays. Even in fully ionized plasmas, which are typical for fusion energy research, atomic processes are very important as they underlie all impurity-based spectroscopic diagnostics.

The school will assist qualified Ph.D. students and early career researchers to develop their quantitative understanding of collisional and radiative atomic processes in plasmas with applications to fusion energy research, astrophysical science, laser-produced plasmas and other plasma environments. Participants will become acquainted with their international peers and will have a unique opportunity to establish links for their mutual support. Knowledge transfer will be facilitated between individuals from developed and developing countries.

A poster session was held on the afternoon of the first day: a book of abstracts is available here.


The school is concerned with theoretical and computational methods for the study of collisional and radiative atomic processes in plasmas including the following:

  • Atomic processes in low-density plasmas (e.g. astrophysical, fusion and laboratory);
  • Atomic processes in warm and hot dense matter and X-ray sources;
  • Computational methods for atomic structure and collisions;
  • Principles of spectroscopic diagnostics of plasma;
  • Collisional-radiative modelling and calculation of plasma spectra;
  • Simulations of non-Maxwellian and highly transient plasmas;
  • Opacity (radiation transport) effects on plasma properties and plasma diagnostics;
  • Methods for analysis of spectral line shapes and profiles;
  • Online codes for calculation of ionization distributions and spectra.

Lecturers and Invited Speakers

  • Connor BALLANCE, Queen's University Belfast, UK
  • Hyun-Kyung CHUNG, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Stephan FRITZSCHE, Helmholtz-Institut Jena, Germany
  • Hans-Joachim KUNZE, Ruhr University, Germany
  • Yuri RALCHENKO, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
  • Howard A. SCOTT, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
  • John SEELY, Artep, Inc., USA
  • Evgeny STAMBULCHIK, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Group photo for the 2017 Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Atomic Processes in Plasmas
Participants and lecturers at the 2017 Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, 27 February – 3 March 2017, Trieste, Italy (Click for a larger picture).


Monday, 27 February 2017

08:30 – 09:00Registration and Administrative Formalities
09:00 – 09:50Bastiaan BRAAMS, Hyun-Kyung CHUNG and Joseph NIEMALA: Welcome Address and Opening
09:50 – 10:00Break
10:00 – 10:50Hans-Joachim KUNZE (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Experimental Spectroscopy I
[presentation (pdf: 2.6 MB)]
10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:00Hans-Joachim KUNZE (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Experimental Spectroscopy II
[presentation (pdf: 1.2 MB)]
12:00 – 13:20Lunch
13:20 – 15:10Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Atomic Structure
[presentation (pdf: 1.7 MB)]
With a 10 minute break
15:10 – 15:30Coffee Break
Session 1: Poster Session and Welcome Reception

In the Giambiagi Lecture Hall Lower Level; A book of poster abstracts is available.

15:30 – 18:30Poster Session
18:30 – 20:10Welcome reception (Adriatico Guesthouse cafeteria)

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

09:00 – 10:50Stephan FRITZSCHE (Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany)
Radiation and Autoionization
[presentation (pdf: 3.1 MB)]
10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:00Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
Collision Physics I
[presentation (pdf: 26.8 MB)]
12:00 – 13:20Lunch
13:20 – 14:10Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
Collision Physics II
14:10 – 14:20Coffee Break
Session 2: Practical Session I
14:20 – 15:10Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Unix programming
[presentation (pdf: 581.9 KB)]
15:10 – 15:30Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:20Stephan FRITZSCHE (Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany)
[presentation (pdf: 1.6 MB)]

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

09:00 – 10:50Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Line intensities and CR modeling
[presentation (pdf: 1.7 MB)]
With a 10 minute break
10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:00Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Radiation transport
[presentation (pdf: 4.4 MB)]
12:00 – 13:20Lunch
Session 3: Practical Session II
13:20 – 15:10Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Flexible Atomic Code (FAC)
[presentation (pdf: 316.2 KB)]
15:10 – 15:30Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:20Hyun-Kyung CHUNG (IAEA; Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)
[presentation (pdf: 3.2 MB)]

Thursday, 2 March 2017

09:00 – 10:50Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Line shapes
[presentation (pdf: 759.7 KB)]
With a 10 minute break
10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:00Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Radiation transport
12:00 – 13:20Lunch
13:20 – 14:10Hyun-Kyung CHUNG (IAEA; Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)
Resources in plasma spectroscopy
[presentation (pdf: 980.0 KB)]
14:10 – 14:20Break
Session 4: Practical Session III
14:20 – 15:10Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Unix programming
15:10 – 15:30Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:20Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
[presentation (pdf: 166.7 KB)]

Friday, 3 March 2017

09:00 – 09:50John F. SEELY (Artep Inc., United States of America)
Experimental Spectroscopy III
[presentation (pdf: 4.6 MB)]
09:50 – 10:00Break
10:00 – 10:50John F. SEELY (Artep Inc., United States of America)
Experimental Spectroscopy IV
[presentation (pdf: 3.2 MB)]
10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 – 11:40Giulio DEL ZANNA (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
CHIANTI database and programs
[presentation (pdf: 5.7 MB)]
11:40 – 12:00Question and Answer session
12:00 – 13:20Lunch
Session 5: Practical Session IV
13:20 – 15:00Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
15:00 – 15:30Closing session


Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
Collision Physics I
[presentation (pdf: 26.8 MB)]

Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
Collision Physics II

Hyun-Kyung CHUNG (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, South Korea)
[presentation (pdf: 3.2 MB)]

Hyun-Kyung CHUNG (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, South Korea)
Resources in plasma spectroscopy
[presentation (pdf: 980.0 KB)]

Giulio DEL ZANNA (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
CHIANTI database and programs
[presentation (pdf: 5.7 MB)]

Stephan FRITZSCHE (Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany)
Radiation and Autoionization
[presentation (pdf: 3.1 MB)]

Stephan FRITZSCHE (Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany)
[presentation (pdf: 1.6 MB)]

Hans-Joachim KUNZE (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Experimental Spectroscopy I
[presentation (pdf: 2.6 MB)]

Hans-Joachim KUNZE (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Experimental Spectroscopy II
[presentation (pdf: 1.2 MB)]

Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Atomic Structure
[presentation (pdf: 1.7 MB)]
With a 10 minute break

Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Line intensities and CR modeling
[presentation (pdf: 1.7 MB)]
With a 10 minute break

Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Radiation transport
[presentation (pdf: 4.4 MB)]

Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Radiation transport

Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
Unix programming

Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)
[presentation (pdf: 166.7 KB)]

Howard SCOTT (†) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States of America)

John F. SEELY (Artep Inc., United States of America)
Experimental Spectroscopy III
[presentation (pdf: 4.6 MB)]

John F. SEELY (Artep Inc., United States of America)
Experimental Spectroscopy IV
[presentation (pdf: 3.2 MB)]

Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Unix programming
[presentation (pdf: 581.9 KB)]

Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Flexible Atomic Code (FAC)
[presentation (pdf: 316.2 KB)]

Evgeny STAMBULCHIK (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Line shapes
[presentation (pdf: 759.7 KB)]
With a 10 minute break