The Plasma Modelling and Analysis Section (PMA) of the ITER Organization (IO) is tasked with providing the physics modelling infrastructure for the ITER project, including:
The Integrated Modelling and Analysis Suite (IMAS) capable of performing high-fidelity predictive plasma simulations of ITER and processing and analysing ITER’s experimental data;
Coordinating an R&D programme among the ITER Members (China, India, Japan, South Korea, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the EURATOM member states) supporting the development of integrated modelling capabilities to describe and interpret experimental measurements from ITER plasmas and the validation of the models used for ITER predictions (i.e. in collaboration with the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) and the ITER Scientist Fellow Network (ISFN));
Contributing to the scientific planning of ITER’s exploitation and plasma performance predictions by application of high-fidelity integrated plasma modelling codes;
Providing and maintaining a set of common modelling tools for the ITER Members’ fusion communities;
Developing synthetic models for the ITER diagnostic systems to support experimental data interpretation, diagnostic performance assessment and controller design;
Many of these tasks depend critically on the availability of accurate and reliable data sources for atomic and molecular interactions in the plasma phase, nuclear reactions, surface processes, and material properties of plasma-facing components. The IO works in close partnership with the ADAS group, among others, to provide atomic and spectroscopic data relevant to fusion plasma conditions. In collaboration with EUROfusion, the AMNS (Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, and Surface) library has been developed to serve as a standardized interface between IMAS workflow components and recommended datasets.
Plasma Modelling and Analysis Section, Science Division; Science, Control & Operations Department; ITER Organization; Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046; F-13067 St-Paul-lez-Durance, FRANCE Group Website Email: Phone: +33-(0)
[1] "ITER Research Plan within the Staged Approach", ITER Technical Report ITR-18-003 (2018). [link to article]
[2] S. D. Pinches et al., "Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the ITER Scenario Database", 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper TH/P6-7 (2018). [link to article]
[3] R. A. Pitts et al., "Physics basis for the first ITER tungsten divertor", Nuclear Materials and Energy20, 100696 (2019). [link to article]
[4] P. C. de Vries and Y. Gribov, "ITER breakdown and plasma initiation revisited", Nuclear Fusion59, 096043 (2019). [link to article]
[5] J.-S. Park, X. Bonnin and R. Pitts, "Assessment of ITER divertor performance during early operation phases", Nuclear Fusion61, 016021 (2021). [link to article]
[6] E. Sytova et al., "Comparing N versus Ne as divertor radiators in ASDEX-upgrade and ITER", Nuclear Materials and Energy19, 72-78 (2019). [link to article]
[7] D. C. van Vugt et al., "Kinetic modeling of ELM-induced tungsten transport in a tokamak plasma", Physics of Plasmas26, 042508 (2019). [link to article]