ICTP Workshops

The IAEA organizes several Workshops in conjunction with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste; in recent years the AMD Unit has participated in this by running an annual event to provide training and information exchange for computational scientists working on models and data for atomic, molecular and materials processes relevant to fusion energy research.

The workshops are aimed at advanced PhD students and other early-stage career researchers, particularly those from developing countries.

Joint ICTP-IAEA-MAMBA School on Materials Irradiation: from Basics to Applications

This School focuses on materials response to irradiation, covering a range of fields from space electronics to nuclear materials and radiotherapies.

The School is aimed at developing experimental and theoretical understanding of materials response to irradiation, of experimental and computational tools, and their application to control the properties of materials exposed to intense radiation environments. Areas of interest include: space electronics and photovoltaics, radiation-resistant materials and nanostructures, radiation detectors, hadron radiotherapy and space radiobiology, nuclear decommissioning, nuclear fusion, accelerator technologies, stopping power, computational methods, and safe analysis strategies of heritage objects.

ICTP Workshop 2024: Data for Modelling Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas

This joint IAEA-ICTP Workshop was a 5-day series of lectures and computing practical exercises to help early-career plasma physicists develop an understanding of the techniques used to model and simulate the radiative and collisional properties of plasmas. The topics chosen are those relevant to the modelling and spectroscopic analysis of plasmas at the atomic level with applications to fusion, astrophysics and industry. Where relevant, the rapidly enlarging field of Artificial Intelligence were related to the topics covered, with practical examples and exercises supporting the lectures and demonstrations.

ICTP 2021: Joint ICTP-IAEA Virtual Workshop on Atomistic Modelling of Radiation Damage in Nuclear Systems

This Workshop assisted Ph.D. students and early-career researchers in developing a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the atomistic modelling of radiation damage in materials, both for existing fission and proposed fusion reactors.

ICTP 2021: Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Atomic Processes in Plasmas: Data-Driven Research

This School assisted Ph.D. students and other early-stage career researchers to develop their quantitative understanding of the fundamental processes that produce the observed behaviour and properties of plasmas; through lectures and practical computing sessions they also gained skills in the application of modern data science techniques to the calculation and evaluation of data on these processes. Scientists in developing countries without extensive experimental research facilities particularly benefit from such training in modern, data-driven computational physics.

ICTP Workshop 2020: Radiation Damage in Nuclear Systems: from Bohr to Young

This Workshop will assist Ph.D. students and early-career researchers in developing a quantitative understanding of the impact of radiation damage on materials, both for existing fission and proposed fusion reactors. There is an emphasis on the conceptual progression of theoretical and experimental techniques across spatial scales from atomistic descriptions to the macroscopic behaviour of bulk material.

This event has been cancelled.
ICTP Workshop 2019: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy in Plasmas

This joint IAEA-ICTP Workshop, which was held 6 – 10 May 2019, was a 5-day series of lectures and computing practical exercises to help early-career plasma physicists develop an understanding of the techniques used to model and simulate radiative processes in plasmas. The focus is on plasmas of relevance to fusion, astrophysics and other high-energy environments, and the aim is to facilitate knowledge-transfer between researchers from developed and developing countries.

ICTP Workshop 2018: Fundamental Methods for Atomic, Molecular and Materials Properties in Plasma Environments

This joint IAEA-ICTP School and Workshop, which was held 16 – 20 April 2018, provided training and information exchange for computational scientists working on models and data for atomic, molecular and materials processes relevant to fusion energy research, industrial plasmas, laser-produced plasmas, astrophysical plasmas, and warm and hot dense matter.

ICTP Workshop 2017: Atomic Processes in Plasmas

This event provided advanced training in theoretical and computational methods for atomic processes in plasmas. The schedule featured lectures by international experts, exposure to some important codes, invited and contributed research talks, posters and discussion sessions, with good time available for personal interaction.

ICTP Workshop 2015: Modern Methods in Plasma Spectroscopy

This Workshop ran over two weeks from 16–27 March 2015. The Advanced School in the first week brought together experts in experimental and theoretical plasma spectroscopy to train early-career plasma scientists in the most recent developments and results in the field. The Workshop in the second week provided opportunities for participants to present their work, discuss current needs in plasma diagnostics, and motivate further developments.

For the Advanced School the desired participants by application were young researchers at about the post-doc level working in the field of radiative processes of atomic ions in fusion, astrophysical and industrial plasma or warm and hot dense matter and with a good background in theoretical plasma spectroscopy already. The Workshop in the second week was directed at more senior scientists in the field and was largely filled by invitation. A scientific contribution (talk or poster) was invited from each participant in the Advanced School or the Workshop.

Other Workshops

Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2021)

The International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2021) is organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the fifth time. The event, which will be held as an online event virtually from 8 – 10 June 2021, will bring together researchers from the areas of fusion energy and materials science to review advances, both experimental and in the modelling, in study and understanding of processes relevant to plasma-material interaction (PMI) in fusion devices.

Electron Dynamics for Atomic Collisions Code Comparison Workshop

This proposed Workshop is intended to compare the theoretical approaches, methodologies and computational implementations for the calculation of ion-atom collision cross sections. A large number of experimental results are available for comparison in the case of one-electron or quasi-one-electron systems in their ground state, and agreement with theory is generally good.

However, for systems in which the target atom is initially in an excited state, which are of interest in fusion plasma modelling and diagnostics, very few ab initio calculations and virtually no experimental data exist. These systems are characterized by very large cross sections but require the consideration of a very large number of states (and angular momenta) to treat accurately.

This Workshop will compare and evaluate four distinct theoretical approaches to the calculation of the process Be4+ + H(1s, 2s, 2pm) at three different energies of relevance to fusion plasmas. The activity was conceived in order to support the aims of the Neutral Beams CRP which will provide evaluated and recommended data for the principal atomic processes relevant to heating and diagnostic neutral beams in fusion plasmas.

Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2019)

The International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2019) is organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the fourth time. The event, which will be held in Toki, Japan from 18 – 20 June 2019, will bring together researchers from the areas of fusion energy and materials science to review advances, both experimental and in the modelling, in study and understanding of processes relevant to plasma-material interaction in fusion devices.

Spectral Lineshapes in Plasmas 5 (SLSP 5)

The 5th Spectral Lineshapes in Plasmas (SLSP) Workshop will be held in Vrdnik, Serbia, 27 – 31 May 2019 is organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Workshop facilitates the comparison of different computational and analytical methods for the calculation and analysis of line shapes for diagnosis purposes in laboratory and space plasmas. By detailed comparison of results for a selected set of case problems, it becomes possible to pinpoint sources of disagreements, infer limits of applicability, and assess accuracy.

Code Comparison Workshop on Neutral Beam Penetration and Photoemission

This Workshop is intended to assess the sensitivity of predictions of hydrogen beam penetration and of beam emissions in relevant fusion plasma conditions to different modelling codes and uncertainties in atomic data. It was conceived in order to support the aims of the Neutral Beams CRP which will provide evaluated and recommended data for the principal atomic processes relevant to heating and diagnostic neutral beams in fusion plasmas.

Second International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2016)

The 2nd International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction (MoD-PMI 2016) was held in Loughborough, UK from 22 to 24 June 2016. It brought together researchers from the areas of fusion energy and materials science to review advances, both experimental and in the modeling of processes relevant to plasma-wall interaction in fusion devices. The workshop series provides a bridge between fundamental computations and interpretation of experimental data; it addresses a variety of processes spanning a wide range of scales including erosion, transport and trapping of hydrogen and helium in the wall, changes in the material microstructure, composition and morphology.

Comparison Experiment for the Sputtering of Steel (CESS)

Comparison Experiment for the Sputtering of Steel (CESS) is a set of coordinated experiments on steel surfaces to compare sputtering yields in different experimental devices. As far as possible, identical samples (with comparable histories) will be exposed to deuterium plasma or ion irradiation under comparable exposure conditions.

Hydrogen in Neutron-irradiated Materials (HNIM)

A set of coordinated experiments, conducted within the Hydrogen Permeation CRP, to evaluate the effects of neutron irradiation on the pemeation of hydrogen isotopes in fusion energy materials.

Thermal Desorption Spectrometry for Fusion (TDS4F)

A set of coordinated experiments, conducted within the Hydrogen Permeation CRP, to assess the magnitude of chemical effects related to fusion fuel retention, trapping, release, diffusion, mobility and permeation in fusion reactor materials.