Decennial IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology

The Decennial IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology 2024 (AMPMI24) will be held at University of Helsinki, Finland from 15 – 19 July 2024. The meeting focuses on current data activities concerning atomic and molecular processes relevant for fusion plasmas as well as on plasma-surface and plasma-material processes with fusion materials. The meeting fosters global collaboration for fusion research and development in the public and private sectors, identifies priorities for fusion data activities and recommends future focus points for the IAEA's Atomic and Molecular Data Unit.

History and Overview

For over 50 years the IAEA's Atomic and Molecular Data (AMD) Unit has facilitated collaborative international research for the production, evaluation and recommendation of data for for global fusion energy research. The AMD Unit maintains both numerical and bibliographic databases for fusion and organizes international coordinated research projects (CRPs), meetings, workshops and schools to review atomic and molecular (AM) and plasma-surface interaction (PSI) as well as plasma-material interaction (PMI) research for fusion [3-5].

This Decennial Technical Meeting series on AMPMI data has an overarching feature to collect both data users and producers on AM and PSI/PMI communities and to review the recent activities and to recommend new ones. The previously organized Decennial Technical Meetings:

  • 1976, Culham Laboratory (UK): formulated, for the first time, a comprehensive scope for AM data needs for fusion.
  • 1980, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France): reviewed the status of data needs in relation to experimental programmes of large tokamaks.
  • 1992, Cadarache (France): reviewed and identified new data needs for large operating fusion machines.
  • 2002, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany): reconsidered data needs in the light of further increases in the size and power of experimental fusion devices and the early use of deuterium-tritium fuel in these machines.
  • 2014, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (formerly the National Fusion Research Institute; Korea): this meeting's goal was to advance data-oriented research on AM and PMI processes and properties important for fusion as well as to promote collaboration among fusion experimentalists and those in the field of the calculation or measurement of relevant fundamental data.

The 2024 Decennial meeting will continue to act as a forum for fusion data users to interact with data providers with an aim to advance the fruitful communication between these two communities for finding gaps and needs in fusion data.

As private fusion companies and enterprises have entered the fusion sector in recent years, the Decennial meeting welcomes participation of the private fusion sector and promotes further private-public partnerships in fusion knowledge exchange.


Scientists engaged in research related to nuclear fusion, at any stage of their career, who are involved in the quantitative and qualitative study, measurement, analysis, modelling, simulation or prediction of processes in fusion plasmas or plasma-wall interactions in fusion devices, using or producing fundamental data on these processes. Both experimental and theoretical approaches are welcomed.

The IAEA is committed to the promotion of gender equality in all its activities and qualified women scientists are particularly encouraged to participate in the meeting.


All persons wishing to participate the event must be nominated by an IAEA Member State. For registration and further information about the nomination process, please see this event's dedicated Indico page.

We welcome proposals for both oral and poster presentations at this meeting. Abstract submission is now open.

The IAEA does not share meeting participant information with third parties for accommodation booking or any other purposes; emails from such third parties (for example, "Global Travel Experts") offering to arrange travel or accommodation for this event should be ignored.


Note: all times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+02:00).

Monday, 15 July 2024

09:00 – 09:30Juho KORTENIEMI (Deputy Director General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland)
Opening words
09:30 – 10:10Sehila GONZÁLEZ DE VICENTE (Clean Air Task Force, United States of America)
Overview of the status of Fusion Technology: Progress and Deployment
[abstract (pdf)]
10:10 – 10:50Xavier BONNIN (ITER, France)
Future ITER fusion A&M data needs and applications
[abstract (pdf)]
10:50 – 11:20Coffee Break
11:20 – 11:45MURAKAMI Izumi (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
Atomic data and collisional-radiative models of tungsten ions for fusion plasma
[abstract (pdf)]
11:45 – 12:10Ursel FANTZ (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Recent progress of collisional radiative modelling of H2 with Yacora and steps needed for D2
[abstract (pdf)]
12:10 – 12:35Olivier PEYRUSSE (Laboratoire LP3, Aix-Marseille Université, France)
Configuration-Average Collisional-Radiative calculations, Ionization and Emission of low-density tungsten plasmas in the temperature range [800 – 5000] eV
[abstract (pdf)]
12:35 – 14:05Lunch
14:05 – 14:30Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
presentation title to follow
14:30 – 14:55Nathaniel SAURA (Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France)
Machine learning applications to line spectra emitted by magnetic fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]
14:55 – 15:25Coffee Break
15:25 – 15:50Sabina MARKELJ (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Vibrational excitation of hydrogen molecules formed by atom recombination on tungsten
[abstract (pdf)]
15:50 – 16:10Ivo CLASSEN (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER), Netherlands)
Active spectroscopy on Magnum-PSI to characterize atomic and molecular hydrogen in detached conditions
[abstract (pdf)]
16:10 – 17:00Discussion
17:00 – 18:30University Reception: Metsätalo, 3rd floor, Hall 1, University of Helsinki

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

09:00 – 09:25Sebastiján BREZINSEK (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Review on plasma-particle processes in fusion devices and corresponding data needs
09:25 – 09:50David COSTER (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
SOLPS modelling of the edge plasma
[abstract (pdf)]
09:50 – 10:15Derek HARTING (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Fusion plasma modelling with EMC3-EIRENE
10:15 – 10:45Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:10Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Overview of the NIST research program on atomic data and modeling for fusion
[abstract (pdf)]
11:10 – 11:35Martin O'MULLANE (Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
presentation title to follow
11:35 – 12:00KAWATE Tomoko (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
Collisional processes of B and BH in fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]
12:00 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 13:55Alisher KADYROV (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia)
Atomic collisional data for neutral beams and injected impurities in fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]
13:55 – 14:20Vincenzo LAPORTA (CNR Bari, Italy)
Hydrogen isotope dependence in dissociative electron attachment
14:20 – 14:45Dmitry FURSA (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia)
Electron and positron collisions with atoms and molecules
[abstract (pdf)]
14:45 – 15:15Discussion
15:15 – 15:45Coffee Break
Session 1: Poster Session
15:45 – 17:15Poster Session

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

09:00 – 09:25Haishan ZHOU (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China)
Fuel retention and transport in fusion components
[abstract (pdf)]
09:25 – 09:50Sabina MARKELJ (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Fuel retention properties in first wall material: the influence of microstructure, displacement damage and helium
[abstract (pdf)]
09:50 – 10:15Olga OGORODNIKOVA (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russia)
Deuterium retention in intrinsic and radiation-induced defects in W-Cr-Y alloys, W, tbc Eurofer and Fe
10:15 – 10:40Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:05Masashi SHIMADA (Idaho National Laboratory, United States of America)
Tritium transport data for fusion
11:05 – 11:25Mikhail ZIBROV (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Deuterium retention in self-ion irradiated tungsten: influence of irradiation temperature, damage dose, and alloying elements
[abstract (pdf)]
11:25 – 11:45Liang GAO (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
On the damage threshold in an interstitial hydrogen-occupied tungsten lattice
[abstract (pdf)]
11:45 – 12:05Somsak DANGTIP (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand)
Overview of Research Activities and Fusion Facilitites in Thailand
12:05 – 12:40Discussion
14:45 – 17:45Guided walking tour of Suomenlinna].
Market Square, Helsinki Ferry terminal.
17:45 – 20:30Social Dinner: Restaurant Adlerfelt, Suomenlinna.

Thursday, 18 July 2024

09:00 – 09:25Udo VON TOUSSAINT (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Modelling of plasma-wall interactions
09:25 – 09:50Dmitry MATVEEV (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Global 3D Modelling of Plasma-Wall Interactions in Fusion Devices: Applications and Data Needs in View of ITER and DEMO
[abstract (pdf)]
09:50 – 10:15Andreas KIRSCHNER (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
In-situ enhanced erosion of re-deposits: conclusions from modelling of tracer injection experiments
10:15 – 10:35Henri KUMPULAINEN (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
A+M data for validation of tungsten erosion and transport simulations: status and prospects
10:35 – 11:05Coffee Break
11:05 – 11:30Fredric GRANBERG (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland)
Computer study of sputtering mechanisms of fusion relevant materials
[abstract (pdf)]
11:30 – 11:50Nima FAKHRAYI MOFRAD (Aalto University, Finland)
Computational analysis of physical and chemically assisted physical sputtering in plasma-facing components
[abstract (pdf)]
11:50 – 12:10Byeongchan LEE (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
Bulk, surfaces, and grain boundaries in the lifetime of cascades
12:10 – 12:30Xiaochun LI (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China)
Simulation of interaction between dislocations and hydrogen/helium in tungsten
[abstract (pdf)]
12:30 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 14:25Brian WIRTH (Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, United States of America)
Time-Dependent Plasma Surface Interaction Modeling to Address Dynamic Recycling in a Tungsten Divertor
[abstract (pdf)]
14:25 – 14:50Rémi DELAPORTE-MATHURIN (Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America)
FESTIM and HTM: leading Open-Source hydrogen transport modelling
[abstract (pdf)]
14:50 – 15:10Yosvany SILVA SOLÍS (Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France)
Multi-scale modelling of H interactions on W surfaces and W/Cu interlayers
[abstract (pdf)]
15:10 – 15:40Coffee Break
15:40 – 16:30Discussion

Friday, 19 July 2024

09:00 – 10:30Christian HILL and Kalle HEINOLA (IAEA)
Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data Activities at the IAEA.
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30Reviews of Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data; Data needs for plasma modelling and diagnostics. Conclusions and Recommendations. Meeting Close.


49 participants from 20 countries.

Connor BALLANCE Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
Utkarsh BHARDWAJ Computational Analysis Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
Xavier BONNIN ITER, France
Sebastiján BREZINSEK Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Ivo CLASSEN Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER), Netherlands
David COSTER Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
Somsak DANGTIP Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand
Rémi DELAPORTE-MATHURIN Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America
Corinne DESGRANGES Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, Association EURATOM-CEA, France
Francisco DOMINGUEZ GUTIERREZ National Center for Nuclear Research, Poland
Nima FAKHRAYI MOFRAD Aalto University, Finland
Ursel FANTZ Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
Dmitry FURSA Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia
Liang GAO Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Sehila GONZÁLEZ DE VICENTE Clean Air Task Force, United States of America
Fredric GRANBERG Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
Rémy GUIRLET IRFM, CEA Cadarache, France
Ibtissem HANNACHI University of Batna 1, Algeria
Derek HARTING Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Haikel JELASSI National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (CNSTN), Tunisia
Alisher KADYROV Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia
Keonwook KANG Yonsei University, South Korea
KAWATE Tomoko National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan
Jaewook KIM Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, South Korea
Andreas KIRSCHNER Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Henri KUMPULAINEN Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Vincenzo LAPORTA CNR Bari, Italy
Byeongchan LEE Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Xiaochun LI Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China
Sabina MARKELJ Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Daniel MASON Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, United Kingdom
Dmitry MATVEEV Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
MURAKAMI Izumi National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan
Martin O'MULLANE Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Olga OGORODNIKOVA National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russia
William OSEI-MENSAH Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Ghana
Olivier PEYRUSSE Laboratoire LP3, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Abdul QAYYUM Pakistan Tokamak Plasma Research Institute, Pakistan
Yuri RALCHENKO National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America
Nathaniel SAURA Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France
Sophat SEUN
Masashi SHIMADA Idaho National Laboratory, United States of America
Yosvany SILVA SOLÍS Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France
Narendra SINGH University of Delhi, India
Nopparit SOMBOONKITTICHAI Kasetsart University, Thailand
Udo VON TOUSSAINT Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
Brian WIRTH Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, United States of America
Haishan ZHOU Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China
Mikhail ZIBROV Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany


There are 36 presentations at this event.

AM and CR modelling
Connor BALLANCE (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom)
presentation title to follow

Xavier BONNIN (ITER, France)
Future ITER fusion A&M data needs and applications
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Sebastiján BREZINSEK (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Review on plasma-particle processes in fusion devices and corresponding data needs

AM experiments
Ivo CLASSEN (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER), Netherlands)
Active spectroscopy on Magnum-PSI to characterize atomic and molecular hydrogen in detached conditions
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
David COSTER (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
SOLPS modelling of the edge plasma
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Somsak DANGTIP (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand)
Overview of Research Activities and Fusion Facilitites in Thailand

PSI / PMI modelling
Rémi DELAPORTE-MATHURIN (Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America)
FESTIM and HTM: leading Open-Source hydrogen transport modelling
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Nima FAKHRAYI MOFRAD (Aalto University, Finland)
Computational analysis of physical and chemically assisted physical sputtering in plasma-facing components
[abstract (pdf)]

AM and CR modelling
Ursel FANTZ (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Recent progress of collisional radiative modelling of H2 with Yacora and steps needed for D2
[abstract (pdf)]

AM and CR modelling
Dmitry FURSA (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia)
Electron and positron collisions with atoms and molecules
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Liang GAO (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
On the damage threshold in an interstitial hydrogen-occupied tungsten lattice
[abstract (pdf)]

Sehila GONZÁLEZ DE VICENTE (Clean Air Task Force, United States of America)
Overview of the status of Fusion Technology: Progress and Deployment
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Fredric GRANBERG (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland)
Computer study of sputtering mechanisms of fusion relevant materials
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Derek HARTING (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Fusion plasma modelling with EMC3-EIRENE

AM and CR modelling
Alisher KADYROV (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia)
Atomic collisional data for neutral beams and injected impurities in fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]

AM and CR modelling
KAWATE Tomoko (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
Collisional processes of B and BH in fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Andreas KIRSCHNER (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
In-situ enhanced erosion of re-deposits: conclusions from modelling of tracer injection experiments

PSI / PMI modelling
Henri KUMPULAINEN (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
A+M data for validation of tungsten erosion and transport simulations: status and prospects

AM and CR modelling
Vincenzo LAPORTA (CNR Bari, Italy)
Hydrogen isotope dependence in dissociative electron attachment

PSI / PMI modelling
Byeongchan LEE (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
Bulk, surfaces, and grain boundaries in the lifetime of cascades

PSI / PMI modelling
Xiaochun LI (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China)
Simulation of interaction between dislocations and hydrogen/helium in tungsten
[abstract (pdf)]

AM experiments
Sabina MARKELJ (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Vibrational excitation of hydrogen molecules formed by atom recombination on tungsten
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Sabina MARKELJ (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Fuel retention properties in first wall material: the influence of microstructure, displacement damage and helium
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Dmitry MATVEEV (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany)
Global 3D Modelling of Plasma-Wall Interactions in Fusion Devices: Applications and Data Needs in View of ITER and DEMO
[abstract (pdf)]

AM and CR modelling
MURAKAMI Izumi (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
Atomic data and collisional-radiative models of tungsten ions for fusion plasma
[abstract (pdf)]

AM and CR modelling
Martin O'MULLANE (Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
presentation title to follow

PSI / PMI experiments
Olga OGORODNIKOVA (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russia)
Deuterium retention in intrinsic and radiation-induced defects in W-Cr-Y alloys, W, tbc Eurofer and Fe

AM experiments
Olivier PEYRUSSE (Laboratoire LP3, Aix-Marseille Université, France)
Configuration-Average Collisional-Radiative calculations, Ionization and Emission of low-density tungsten plasmas in the temperature range [800 – 5000] eV
[abstract (pdf)]

AM experiments
Yuri RALCHENKO (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America)
Overview of the NIST research program on atomic data and modeling for fusion
[abstract (pdf)]

AM experiments
Nathaniel SAURA (Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France)
Machine learning applications to line spectra emitted by magnetic fusion plasmas
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Masashi SHIMADA (Idaho National Laboratory, United States of America)
Tritium transport data for fusion

PSI / PMI modelling
Yosvany SILVA SOLÍS (Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France)
Multi-scale modelling of H interactions on W surfaces and W/Cu interlayers
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI modelling
Udo VON TOUSSAINT (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Modelling of plasma-wall interactions

PSI / PMI modelling
Brian WIRTH (Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, United States of America)
Time-Dependent Plasma Surface Interaction Modeling to Address Dynamic Recycling in a Tungsten Divertor
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Haishan ZHOU (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), China)
Fuel retention and transport in fusion components
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
Mikhail ZIBROV (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Deuterium retention in self-ion irradiated tungsten: influence of irradiation temperature, damage dose, and alloying elements
[abstract (pdf)]


There are 14 poster presentations at this event.

Utkarsh BHARDWAJ (Computational Analysis Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
Molecular dynamics simulations of the defect evolution in tungsten on successive collision cascades
[abstract (pdf)]

Corinne DESGRANGES (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, Association EURATOM-CEA, France)
WEST impurity spectra variation through ohmic reference pulses during C9 campaign in the 225 – 302 Å range
[abstract (pdf)]
With Rémy GUIRLET (CEA).

Francisco DOMINGUEZ GUTIERREZ (National Center for Nuclear Research, Poland)
Unveiling Surface Chemistry and Hardening Mechanisms in Fusion and Nuclear Materials
[abstract (pdf)]

Rémy GUIRLET (IRFM, CEA Cadarache, France)
Space-resolved radiation spectrum in the 15-300 Å domain in keV plasmas of the WEST tokamak
[abstract (pdf)]

Ibtissem HANNACHI (University of Batna 1, Algeria)
Exploring Line Shapes in Fusion Plasmas under the Influence of Periodic Electric Fields
[abstract (pdf)]

Haikel JELASSI (National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (CNSTN), Tunisia)
Energy levels, transition rates, lifetimes of transmutation of tungsten atoms He-like-(Hf, Ta, Re and Os) deduced from relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock and many body perturbation theory calculations
[abstract (pdf)]

Keonwook KANG (Yonsei University, South Korea)
The effect of an atomic hydrogen on the kink formation in a <111>{110} screw dislocation in bcc tungsten: atomistic study
[abstract (pdf)]

Jaewook KIM (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, South Korea)
Refinement of Edge Plasma Density Measurement Using Bayesian Inference, Gaussian Process Methods, and CR Model Utilizing Hydrogen Atomic Data in the KSTAR BES System

Daniel MASON (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, United Kingdom)
Multiscale Modelling of Hydrogen Retention in High Dose Irradiated Microstructures
[abstract (pdf)]

PSI / PMI experiments
William OSEI-MENSAH (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Ghana)
Plasma and Neutral Beam Injector Guard Wall interaction using MCNP6 and GEANT4
[abstract (pdf)]

Abdul QAYYUM (Pakistan Tokamak Plasma Research Institute, Pakistan)
Spectroscopic analysis of wall conditioning and ECR-heated pre-ionization phases in MT-I spherical tokamak
[abstract (pdf)]

Sophat SEUN
Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology in Cambodia

Narendra SINGH (University of Delhi, India)
Study of Electron impact single ionization tungsten ions W64+ – W71+
[abstract (pdf)]

Nopparit SOMBOONKITTICHAI (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
Development of a Numerical Solver for Partially Ionized Plasma for Fusion Using an MHD Scheme
[abstract (pdf)]