Excitation, dissociation and photonic processes in collisions of electrons with molecules and molecular ions
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA and École CentraleSupélec, Paris, France
The main expertise of the group is the first-principles theoretical description of elementary
processes in molecular plasma. From point of view of applications, the focus of current research is
determination of cross sections of various processes taking place in collisions of electrons with
diatomic and small polyatomic molecules and molecular ions. From the point of view of fundamental
physics, our research revolves around a fully-quantum or adiabatic quantum description of the dynamics of small polyatomic molecules and collisions involving molecules, electrons, and photons. Our research
activities have been continuously funded by national and international agencies for about 20 year are aimed at understanding elementary processes in the interstellar medium, in low-temperature plasma used in technological applications (thermonuclear fusion plasma and plasma etching in electronics), in
problems related to the field of coherent quantum control, and others. One if us is also a member of an
expert team for the development of databases on electron-molecule processes to support the
KSTAR tokamak in South Korea.
The figure below gives an example of theoretical cross section for dissociative recombination of CH+ and compares the theoretical cross section with the experimental data from a recent cryogenic storage ring experiment (CSR) performed in Heidelberg by the group of A. Wolf. The blue line shows the raw theoretical data for the CH+ being in the ground rovibronic state. The black and red lines are obtained assuming that there is a thermal distribution over rotational states of the ion at temperatures 30K and 300K, correspondingly.
Theoretical cross section for dissociative recombination
of CH+ and comparison with experimental data from CSR experiments.
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