The research group focuses on the application and validation of edge codes in fusion research, coupling code development and verification to experimental studies in the JET, ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks. Many of the group members are part of the experimental teams at these devices, designing experiments, conducting data analyses and directing diagnostic development. The measurements from these devices are interpreted using plasma edge fluid codes, such as SOLPS-ITER, EDGE2D-EDGE2D-EIRENE and UEDGE, as well as Monte-Carlo neutral and impurity codes, such as EIRENE and ERO. The purpose of these activities is to validate the physics models toward ITER and DEMO by establishing the fidelity range of code predictions and identifying critical shortcomings in the models. Current research focuses on determining the primary plasma and neutral processes leading to divertor detachment and on optimizing power exhaust scenarios in tokamaks.
The group is also involved in further developing edge fluid and Monte-Carlo codes through advanced numerical schemes and physics models. The re-development of EIRENE and AMJUEL, including the molecular and photon tracing modules is one of the present (2021) foci, in collaboration with Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. To verify and utilize atomic and molecular data in the edge codes, collaborations exist with University of Strathclyde, UK/JET for ADAS and IPP Garching, Germany, for YACORA.
[1] A. Holm et al., "Comparison of a collisional-radiative fluid model of H2 in UEDGE to the kinetic neutral code EIRENE", Nuclear Materials and Energy, 100982 (2021). [link to article]
[2] N. Horsten et al., "Application of spatially hybrid fluid–kinetic neutral model on JET L-mode plasmas", Nuclear Materials and Energy27, 100969 (2021). [link to article]
[3] J. Karhunen et al., "Estimation of 2D distributions of electron density and temperature in the JET divertor from tomographic reconstructions of deuterium Balmer line emission", Nuclear Materials and Energy25, 100831 (2020). [link to article]
[4] V. Solokha et al., "The role of drifts on the isotope effect on divertor plasma detachment in JET Ohmic discharges", Nuclear Materials and Energy25, 100836 (2020). [link to article]
[5] H. Kumpulainen et al., "Validation of EDGE2D-EIRENE and DIVIMP for W SOL transport in JET", Nuclear Materials and Energy25, 100866 (2020). [link to article]
[6] H. Kumpulainen et al., "Comparison of DIVIMP and EDGE2D-EIRENE tungsten transport predictions in JET edge plasmas", Nuclear Materials and Energy25, 100784 (2020). [link to article]
[7] B. Lomanowski et al., "Interpretation of Lyman opacity measurements in JET with the ITER-like wall using a particle balance approach", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion62, 065006 (2020). [link to article]
[8] A. E. Jaervinen et al., "E×B Flux Driven Detachment Bifurcation in the DIII-D Tokamak", Physical Review Letters121, 075001 (2018). [link to article]
[9] M. Groth et al., "EDGE2D-EIRENE predictions of molecular emission in DIII-D high-recycling divertor plasmas", Nuclear Materials and Energy19, 211-217 (2019). [link to article]
[10] K. Lawson et al., "A study of the atomic and molecular power loss terms in EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of JET ITER-like wall L-mode discharges", Nuclear Materials and Energy12, 924-930 (2017). [link to article]