Our research focuses on the calculations of elementary processes and transport properties involved in modelling of systems in non-equilibrium thermodynamic.
These results have huge fields of applications. They range from plasma-assisted combustion, spacecraft entry in planetary atmospheres, controlled fusion (JET, ITER …), interstellar medium and prebiotic synthesis of the molecules of life.
Electron-Molecule collisions: We perform calculations of cross sections and rate coefficients for state-resolved molecular dynamics – in the framework of ab initio quantum chemistry approaches – by electron-impact collisions involving vibrationally and rotationally excited molecules and molecular ions. Typical processes we consider are molecular dissociations, vibrational excitations and ionization. Molecular structures, including resonant states and resonance widths, are obtained by using R-matrix method.
On the left: Potential energy curves for deuterium molecule. On the right: Vibrationally resolved cross sections by electron impact for vibrational excitation (VE), dissociative electron attachment (DA) and dissociative excitation (DE) processes and some comparisons with experimental data.
Atom-Molecule collisions: We calculate cross sections and rate coefficients for collision processes involving atoms and molecules, with detail about initial and final rovibrational states, on accurate potential energy surfaces by using quasi- and semi-classical methods. The processes treated are internal energy transfer, reaction, dissociation, recombination.
Left panel: N + O2(v) → NO(v') + O rate coefficients at T=10000 K as functions of initial/final vibrational quantum numbers of molecular reactants/products, respectively. Right panel: three-body recombination rate coefficients for H + H + H → H2(v') + H at different temperatures, as a function of H2 final vibrational quantum number.
Atom/Molecule interactions with Surfaces: We determine the probabilities for elementary surface processes, reaction energetics and ro-vibrational distributions, global and state-to-state recombination coefficients and energy accommodation coefficients, as well as energy and charge exchange with the surface by time dependent Molecular Dynamics simulations, based on ab initio electronic structure calculations. The considered processes include: adsorption, desorption, scattering, atom recombination, molecular dissociation, ion formation.
Upper left: Ro-vibrational Distribution for H2 molecule scattered from graphite. Upper right: Surface Process Probabilities for H interaction with an H pre-covered W (110) surface. Bottom left: 3D total electron density of the products for the extraction of a H atom from CH4 molecule. Bottom right: 2D contour plots of Potential Energy Surface (PES) for H2 molecule impinging on T site on W(110).
Principal Researchers
Fabrizio Esposito
Vincenzo Laporta
Maria Rutigliano
Dr Vincenzo LAPORTA
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR/Bari); Via G. Amendola 122/D; 70126 BARI; ITALY Email: vincenzo.laporta@istp.cnr.it
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