Atomic and Molecular Physics Group, Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
Université catholique de Louvain
The Atomic and Molecular Physics Group at UCLouvain carries out experimental and theoretical studies of atomic and molecular dynamics induced by collisions and high-intensity laser-matter interaction, thereby contributing to the modeling of thermonuclear, astrophysical, and laser-induced plasmas. The group specializes in the measurement of absolute cross sections for electron, ion and photon induced processes.
Kinetic energy release resulting from mutual neutralization of O- and N+ at a collision energy of 5 meV, as measured with merged beams and 3D imaging of recoiling neutral products.
Low-energy collisions involving both ions and neutrals, in particular charge transfer, proton transfer, and associative reactions, are studied with merged beams combined with imaging techniques, producing total, partial and differential cross sections. The excitation, ionization and dissociation of small molecular ions by electron impact is studied with the animated crossed beam method. Laser-matter interaction is studied experimentally by subjecting atoms or molecules to short and ultrashort pulses from moderate to high intensity, producing generalized cross sections and asymmetry parameters. Attosecond dynamics is treated theoretically by a spectral approach of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation describing the electronic motion.
[1] J. Lecointre et al., "A crossed-beam experiment for electron impact ionization and dissociation of molecular ions: its application to CO+", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics39, 3275-3297 (2006). [link to article]
[2] X. Urbain et al., "New Light Shed on Charge Transfer in Fundamental H+ + H2 Collisions", Physical Review Letters111, 203201 (2013). [link to article]
[3] X. Urbain et al., "A zero dead-time multi-particle time and position sensitive detector based on correlation between brightness and amplitude", Review of Scientific Instruments86, 023305 (2015). [link to article]
[4] A. Galstyan et al., "Reformulation of the strong-field approximation for light-matter interactions", Physical Review A93, 023422 (2016). [link to article]
[5] M. Génévriez et al., "One- and two-photon detachment of O−", Physical Review A94, 023407 (2016). [link to article]
[6] D. S. Belic et al., "Electron-impact dissociation and ionization of CN+ ions", Physical Review A95, 052702 (2017). [link to article]
[7] M. Génévriez et al., "Absolute cross section for electron-impact ionization of He(1s2sS3)", Physical Review A96, 010701 (2017). [link to article]
[8] A. Le Padellec et al., "Investigation of critical parameters controlling the efficiency of associative ionization", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics50, 095202 (2017). [link to article]
[9] N. De Ruette et al., "Mutual Neutralization of O− with O+ and N+ at Subthermal Collision Energies", Physical Review Letters121, 083401 (2018). [link to article]