Fundamental data for modelling beryllium species in edge plasmas
The large international tokamak experiments JET and ITER both use beryllium in their first walls. The sputtering and subsequent excitation, ionization and chemical reactions that this beryllium undergoes requires accurate fundamental atomic and molecular data to model.
This collaboration brings together fusion modellers and experts in the ab initio calculation of collisional cross sections to evaluate and recommend data related to beryllium in the edge plasma region of these devices for inclusion in a new database to be hosted by the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit. This database will improve modellers’ access to critically-assessed data sets and increase the accuracy of predictions of plasma behaviour.
Species and processes of interest are:
Tennyson Group | University College London, United Kingdom | |
Detlev REITER | Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany | |
Hyun-Kyung CHUNG | Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, South Korea | |
Ioan F. SCHNEIDER | Université le Havre Normandie, France | |
János Zsolt MEZEI | HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Hungary | |
Vincenzo LAPORTA | CNR Bari, Italy | |
Yuri RALCHENKO | National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America |