Date | Event |
22 – 24 Sep | 2nd International School on Atomic and Molecular Data Evaluation and Curation, Valladolid, Spain |
The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy is a database of microwave spectroscopic data concerning 900+ species in the interstellar medium (ISM) and circumstellar envelopes.
Host Institution: University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln)
Contact: Stephan SCHLEMMER
Update status: Continuously updated (2–3 updates per month).
A high-temperature line list for CO2, produced by the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk Russia, in 2011: S. A. Tashkun and V. I. Perevalov, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112, 1403 (2011).
Host Institution: V. E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics
Contact: Valery PEREVALOV
Update status: Fixed at the 2011 version, but continues to be available at the IAO FTP site.
CollisionDB is a database of any published plasma collisional or plasma-surface interaction data sets and is curated by the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit at the IAEA.
Host Institution: IAEA
Contact: Christian HILL
Update status: Continuously updated.
Atomic Spectroscopy Collisional-Radiative Processes Collisions in Plasmas Electron – Ion Collisions Electron – Molecule Collisions Experimental Heavy Particle Collisions Highly Charged Ions Molecular Spectroscopy Neutral Beams Plasma Diagnostics Plasma Impurities Plasma–Material Interaction
A suite of “Calculated Spectroscopic Databases (CaSDa)” for the individual molecules: C2H4 (ECaSDa), GeH4 (GeCaSDa), CH4 (MeCaSDa), RuO4 (RuCaSDa), SF6 (SHeCaSDa), CF4 (TFMeCaSDa).
Host Institution: University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne)
Contact: Vincent BOUDON
Update status: Updated as new calculations are completed.
A database of molecular line lists that can be used for spectral characterisation and simulation of exoplanet and cool star atmospheres. Since some line lists in this collection are extremely large (up to 1014 lines), a service to produce absorption cross section data at a user-defined resolution is provided.
Host Institution: University College London (UCL)
Contact: Jonathan TENNYSON
Update status: Continuously updated.
Gestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques: Management and Study of Spectroscopic Information is a spectroscopic line list database for atmospheric applications with an interactive interface.
Host Institution: Université Paris-Saclay
Contact: Raymond ARMANTE
Update status: Continuously updated.
HITRAN (HIgh-resolution TRANsmission) is a compilation of spectroscopic parameters that a variety of computer codes use to predict and simulate the transmission and emission of light in planetary atmospheres.
Host Institution: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Contact: Iouli GORDON
Update status: Continuously updated, with major releases every four years.
A companion database to the CDMS catalogue, this is a compilation of rotational transition frequencies and intensities of molecules of astrophysical interest.
Host Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Contact: Brian DROUIN
Update status: Continuously updated.
Atomic and molecular spectroscopic line data for a number of astrophysically interesting species, including energy levels, statistical weights, Einstein A-coefficients and collisional rate coefficients.
Host Institution: Leiden University
Contact: Floris VAN DER TAK
Update status: Continuously updated.
Access to the spectroscopic data obtained by (or in collaboration with) the PhLAM Laboratory, University of Lille, France. The Lille Spectroscopic Database (LSD) is a complementary tool to resources such as the JPL catalog and the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy (CDMS).
Host Institution: Lille University of Science and Technology (Université Lille 1: Sciences et Technologies)
Contact: Roman MOTIYENKO
Update status: Continuously updated
A database of photodissociation cross sections with an interactive interface, run by the Institute of Physics Belgrade and Astronomical Observatory Belgrade.
Host Institution: University of Belgrade
Contact: None
Update status: Continuously updated.
A database of spectroscopic properties of atoms and ions, including ionization potentials, energy levels, transition frequencies and intensities, and collisional data). Managed by the Joint Institute for High Temperatures (JIHT) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Of Technical Physics (VNIITF).
Host Institution: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF)
Contact: Peter LOBODA
Update status: Last updated: since January 2014.
Atomic Spectroscopy Collisional-Radiative Processes Collisions in Plasmas Electron – Ion Collisions Electron – Molecule Collisions Electronic Structure Calculations Heavy Particle Collisions Molecular Spectroscopy
The Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) is a collection of atomic and molecular transition parameters of astronomical interest. Now identifying as VALD3, it is provided by mirrored servers in Uppsala, Sweden, Vienna, Austria, and Moscow, Russia.
Host Institution: Uppsala University
Contact: Nikolai PISKUNOV
Update status: Continuously updated.