Plasma Processes Classification

Version History


The classification codes are three-letter abbreviations, the first letter indicating the general group of processes to which a process belongs (e.g. E for electron-heavy particle interactions). In the examples, A, B and C refer to an arbitrary atom and n an arbitrary integer greater than 1.

Electron-Heavy Particle Interactions

EAE Auger Electron Ejection

Electron-impact induced Auger electron ejection

e- + A → A**+ + 2e-; A**+ → A*2+ + e-
EAS Angular Scattering

Differential electron-scattering cross sections, usually as a function of energy and angle.

EBS Bremsstrahlung

The emission of electromagnetic radiation by a charged particle as it is decelerated through Coulomb interactions with other charges; "free-free" radiation in the context of plasma physics.

e- + A → e- + A + hν
EDA Dissociative Attachment

Dissociative attachment

e- + AB → A + B-
EDC Dielectronic Capture

Dielectronic capture

e- + A+ → A**
EDE Dissociative Excitation

Electron-impact dissociative excitation

e- + AB → A* + B + e-
EDI Dissociative Ionization

Electron-impact dissociative ionization

e- + AB → A+ + B + 2e-
EDP Depolarization, Change of Polarization

Electron-impact change of polarization, including depolarization

EDR Dissociative Recombination

Electron-impact dissociative recombination

e- + AB+ → A + B
EDS Dissociation

Electron-impact dissociation

e- + AB → A + B + e-
EDT Electron Detachment

Electron-impact detachment

e- + A- → A + 2e-
EDX De-excitation

Generic inelastic collisional processes in which a scattered electron gains energy from the target particle.

e- + A* → e- + A
EEL Elastic Scattering

Scattering of an electron with no change in energy.

e- + A → e- + A
EEX Excitation

Electron-impact excitation

e- + A → e- + A*
EEX Change of Excitation

Electron-impact change of excitation. Deprecated: Use EEX: Excitation or EDX: De-excitation instead.

e- + A* → e- + A**
EFL Fluorescence (Optical Emission)

Total optical emission following electron-impact events

EGN General

General electron-impact processes that do not fall into any more specific category.

EHT Transport

Transport cross sections: momentum, viscosity and higher-order.

EIN Ionization

Electron impact ionization

e- + A → A+ + 2e-
EIP Ion-Pair Formation

Electron-impact induced formation of a (positive, negative) ion pair

e- + AB+ → A+ + B-
ELB Line Broadening, Shapes and Shifts

Data relating to the line shapes and positions of radiative transitions

EMI Multiple Ionization

Electron-impact ionization to a charge state greater than +1

e- + A → An+ + (n+1)e-
EMT Momentum Transfer

Electron impact momentum transfer

ENI Negative Ion Formation

Electron-impact formation of negative ion (attachment)

e- + A → A-
ERC Recombination

Electron-impact recombination

e- + An+ → A(n-1)+
ERD Dielectronic Recombination

Electron-impact dielectronic recombination

e- + A+ → A** → A* + hν
ERO Electron-Ion-Other Recombination

Electron-ion recombination involving a third body other than an electron

e- + A+ + B → A + B
ERR Radiative Recombination

Electron-impact recombination with radiative emission

e- + A+ → A + hν
ERT Three-Body Recombination

Electron-impact three-body recombination

e- + e- + A+ → A + e-
ERV Rovibrational Excitation

Electron-impact rovibrational excitation

e- + AB → e- + AB (v=*; J=*)
ESF Spin-Flip

Electron-impact change of spin state

e- + [S]A → e- + [S']A
ETS Total Scattering

Total electron scattering cross sections

EUP Unknown Products

Electron-impact collision with unknown products. Deprecated: use EGN (General) instead.

EXE Electronic Excitation

Electron-impact electronic excitation

e- + AB → e- + AB*
EXR Rotational Excitation

Electron-impact rotational excitation

e- + AB → e- + AB (J=*)
EXV Vibrational Excitation

Electron-impact vibrational excitation

e- + AB → e- + AB (v=*)

Photon-Particle and Field-Particle Interactions

PAD Scattering

Photon scattering ( angular diffusion)

PAE Auger Electron Ejection

Photon-induced Auger electron ejection

A + hν → A**+ + e-; A**+ → A*2+ + e-
PCS Compton Scattering

Inelastic scattering of a photon by a charged particle that decreases the photon energy.

PDP Depolarization, Change of Polarization

Photon-induced change of polarization, including depolarization

PDS Photodissociation

Photodissociation of a molecule

hν + AB → A + B
PDT Photodetachment

Absorption of a photon inducing the removal of an electron from an anion to form a neutral species.

hν + A- → A + e-
PEA Effective Absorption, Total Diffusion

Effective Absorption, Total Diffusion of photons

PED Elastic Diffusion

Photon elastic diffusion processes (Thomson scattering, Rayleigh scattering)

PES Elastic Scattering

Scattering of a photon with no change in energy.

hν + A → hν + A
PEX Photoexcitation

Photon absorption leading to excitation

hν + A → A*
PFF Inverse Bremsstrahlung

Acceleration of a charged particle by a photon absorption process mediated by an electron-particle Coulomb interaction; "free-free absorption" in the context of plasma physics.

e- + A + hν → A + e-
PFL Fluorescence


A* → A + hν
PGF General Electromagnetic Field

Miscellaneous effects induced by an electromagnetic field

PGN General

General photon-particle interaction processes which do not fall into any more specific category

PIN Photoionization

Photon-induced ionization

hν + A → A+ + e-
PIP Ion-Pair Formation

Photon-induced formation of a (positive, negative) ion pair

AB + hν → A+ + B-
PMA Multiphoton Excitation

Absorption of more than one photon, leaving to excited and/or charged products

nhν + A → A+/A*/A*+
PNL Non-Linear Effects

Non-linear radiative effects

PRD Radiative Decay

Radiative decay (not necessarily fluorescence)

A* → A + hν
PRV Rovibrational Excitation

Photon-induced rovibrational excitation

BC + hν → BC (v=*; J=*)
PSE Stark Effect

Spectral line-splitting caused by an external electric field

PTA True Absorption

True Absorption of a photon

PTF Interaction with Time-Varying Fields

General interactions with time-varying fields

PTS Total Absorption, Total Scattering

Total photon absorption or scattering cross sections.

PXE Electronic Excitation

Photon-induced electronic excitation

BC + hν → BC*
PXR Rotational Excitation

Photon-induced rotational excitation

BC + hν → BC (J=*)
PXV Vibrational Excitation

Photon-induced vibrational excitation

BC + hν → BC (v=*)
PZE Zeeman Effect

Spectral line-splitting caused by a static magnetic field

Heavy Particle-Heavy Particle Interactions

HAC Association

Heavy-particle collision leading to association (i.e. bond formation)

A + B → AB
HAI Associative Ionization

Heavy particle impact associative ionization

A + B → AB+ + e-
HAR Radiative Association

Heavy particle impact radiative ionization

A + B → AB + hν
HAS Angular Scattering

Heavy-particle differential scattering cross sections, usually as a function of energy and angle.

HAT Attenuation


HCX Charge Transfer

Heavy-particle impact leading to charge-transfer.

A+ + B → A + B+; A- + B → A + B-
HDC Dissociative Charge Transfer

Heavy-particle dissociative charge transfer

A+ + BC → A + B+ + C
HDE Dissociative Excitation

Heavy particle impact dissociative excitation

A + BC → A* + B + C; A + BC → A + B + C*
HDI Dissociative Ionization

Heavy particle impact dissociative ionization

A + BC → A+ + B + C; A + BC → A + B+ + C
HDN Dissociative Neutralization

Heavy particle impact dissociative neutralisation

AB- + C+ → A + B + C
HDS Dissociation

Heavy-particle impact leading to dissociation (bond-breaking)

A + BC → A + B + C
HDT Detachment

Heavy-particle collisions leading to electronic detachment.

A + B- → A + B + e-
HDX De-excitation

Heavy-particle impact leading to de-excitation (decrease of total internal energy).

A* + B → A + B
HEL Inelastic Energy Losses

Heavy-particle collisions leading to inelastic energy loss.

HES Elastic Scattering

Scattering of heavy particles with no change in energy.

A + B → A + B
HET Energy Transfer

Heavy-particle collisions with energy transfer between the particles.

HEX Excitation

Heavy-particle impact leading to excitation (increase of total internal energy).

A + B → A* + B
HFL Fluorescence

Heavy particle collisional excitation followed by radiative decay.

A + B → A* + B; A* → A + hν
HGN General

General heavy-particle collisional processes which do not fall into any more specific category

HHT Transport

Heavy particle transport cross sections: momentum, viscosity and higher-order.

HIN Ionization

Heavy-particle collisions leading to ionization

A + B → A + B+ + e-
HIP Interaction Potentials

Interaction potentials between heavy particles.

HIR Interchange Reactions

Heavy-particle interchange reactions

A + BC → AB + C
HLB Line Broadening, Shapes and Shifts

Data relating to line shapes and positions determined by heavy-particle collisions.

HMI Multiple Ionization

Heavy particle impact ionization with a charge state change greater than +1

A + B → An+ + (n+1)e- + B
HMN Mutual Ion-Ion Neutralization

Neutralization of heavy-particle ions.

A+ + B- → A + B
HMT Momentum Transfer

Heavy particle momentum transfer

HPN Penning Ionization

Ionization through collision of an internally-excited heavy-particle with another heavy particle.

A* + B → A + B+ + e-
HRC Recombination

Heavy-particle collisions with recombination

HRV Rovibrational Excitation

Heavy particle impact rovibrational excitation

A + BC → A + BC (v=*; J=*)
HST Electron-Stripping

Ionization of the projectile in a heavy-particle collision.

A + B → A+ + B + e-
HTE Electron Transfer

Heavy-particle electron transfer

A- + B → A + B-
HTI Transfer Ionization

Transfer of an electron from an atom to an ion, followed by further ionization.

A + B+ → A2+ + B + e-
HTS Total Scattering

Total heavy particle scattering cross sections

HUP Unknown Products

Heavy-particle collisions/reactions with unknown products.

A + B → ?
HXE Electronic Excitation

Heavy particle impact electronic excitation

A + BC → A + BC*
HXF Fine-Level Excitation

Heavy particle impact fine-level excitation

A + B → A + B (J=*)
HXH Hyperfine Excitation

Heavy particle impact hyperfine-level excitation

e- + AB → e- + AB (F=*)
HXR Rotational Excitation

Heavy particle impact rotational excitation

A + BC → A + BC (J=*)
HXT Excitation Transfer

Transfer of internal excitation in a heavy-particle collision.

A* + B → A + B*
HXV Vibrational Excitation

Heavy particle impact vibrational excitation

A + BC → A + BC (v=*)

Structure and Spectra

SAD Autodetachment

Autodetachment in atoms and molecules

SAI Autoionization

Autoionization processes in atoms and molecules.

SDP Dynamic Polarizability

Dynamic polarizability of atoms and molecules

SDS Autodissociation

Autodissociation in atoms and molecules

SEW Energy Levels and Wavelengths

Energy levels and transition frequencies / wavelengths of atoms and molecules.

SFT Forbidden Transitions

Forbidden transitions in atoms and molecules

SGN General

General spectral processes and structural properties that do not fall into any more specific category

SHF Hyperfine Structure

Hyperfine structure of atoms and molecules

SIA Interatomic Potentials

Interatomic Potentials as they relate to the spectral or structural properties of atoms or molecules.

SIE Isoelectronic sequences

Isoelectronic sequences of atoms

SIP Ionization Potentials

Ionization potentials of atoms and molecules.

SIR Infrared Spectra

Infrared spectra of atoms and molecules

SLS Line Broadening, Shapes and Shifts

Data relating to line shapes and positions with a focus on spectroscopy or atomic/molecular structure.

SLT Lifetimes

Lifetimes of atomic or molecular states

SMM Magnetic Moments

Magnetic moments (dipolar, quadrupolar, etc.) of atoms and molecules.

SPM Polarizabilities, Electric Moments

Polarizabilities and electric moments (dipolar, quadrupolar, etc.) of atoms and molecules.

SQE QED Effects

QED effects in atoms and molecules

SRA Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy of atoms and molecules.

SRP Relaxation Processes

Relaxation processes in atoms and molecules.

SRS Rotational Spectra

Rotational spectra of molecules

SRY Rydberg States

Rydberg states of atoms and molecules.

SSM Potential Curves and Structure of Molecules

Potential energy curves/surfaces and molecular structure data.

STP Transition Probabilities and Oscillator Strengths

Transition probabilities (Einstein A-factors), oscillator strengths and line intensities of radiative transitions in atoms and molecules.


UV spectra of atoms and molecules from ~10 nm (extreme ultraviolet) to ~400 nm (near ultraviolet).

SVB Vibrational Spectra

Vibrational spectra of molecules

SVS Visible Spectra

Visible spectra of atoms and molecules

SXR X-Ray Spectra

X-Ray spectra of atoms and molecules

Particle-Matter Interactions

MAC Accomodation


MAD Adsorption

Adsorption on a surface

MBS Backscattering

Backscattering from a surface

MCP Charge State Population

Charge state population of condensed materials.

MCR Chemical Reactions

Chemical reactions at a surface

MCS Chemical Sputtering

Chemical sputtering of surfaces.

MDE Desorption

Desorption from a surface.

MDF Diffusion

Diffusion of particles through a material

MDP Deposition

Deposition on a surface.

MEL Energy Loss and Stopping Power

Energy loss and stopping power of materials with respect to a flux of particles.

MEP Excited State Population

Excited state population of condensed materials.

MER Erosion

Erosion of a surface (over a longer timescale than sputtering)

MGN General

General particle-matter interaction processes that do not fall into any more specific category.

MIR Particle-Impact Induced Radiation

Radiation induced by particle impact on surfaces.

MMS Multiple Scattering

Multiple scattering of particles within a material.

MNE Neutralization, Ionization, Dissociation

Neutralization, ionization or dissociation at a surface.

MPE Photoelectric Ejection of Electrons

Ejection of electrons due to incoming radiation (the photoelectric effect).

MPM Permeation

Permeation of particles through a material

MPR Particle Range

Data relating to the particle transmission through a material.

MPS Physical Sputtering

Physical sputtering of surfaces.

MRC Recombination

Molecular recombination processes at a surface

MRE Reemission

Re-emission of accommodated particles at a surface

MRF Reflection

Reflection of particles from a surface.

MRH Reflection of Heavy Particles from Surfaces

Reflection of heavy particles from surfaces

MRL Reflection of Electrons from Surfaces

Reflection of electrons from surfaces

MRS Radiation-Enhanced Sublimation

Radiation-enhanced sublimation of solids.

MSD Surface Damage

Surface damage of a surface due to impinging particles over a short timescale.

MSE Secondary Electron Emission

Secondary electron emission from a surface.

MSI Surface Interactions

Interactions at surfaces.

MSL Solubility

Solubility of a species in a given material

MSP Sputtering

Sputtering of surface material by impinging particles

MTD Trapping, Detrapping

Trapping and detrapping of accommodated particles in a solid.

MTR Transmutation

Transmutation of nuclei in solid material by impact of subatomic particles.

MVP Vapour Formation and Properties

Formation and properties of vapour in front of a surface; in the context of plasma physics, vapour shielding phenomena.

Data Compilations

DEH Electron-Heavy Particle Interactions

Data compilations concerning electron-heavy particle interactions.

DGN General

General data compilations that do not fall into any more specific category.

DHH Heavy Particle-Heavy Particle Interactions

Data compilations concerning heavy particle-heavy particle interactions.

DPF Photon-Particle and Field-Particle Interactions

Data compilations concerning photon-particle and field-particle interactions.

DPM Particle-Matter Interactions

Data compilations concerning particle-matter interactions.

DSS Structure and Spectra

Data compilations concerning atomic and molecular structure and spectra.

DTP Transport Properties

Data compilations concerning transport properties.

Bibliographic Resources

BEH Electron-Heavy Particle Interactions

Bibliographic data resources concerning electron-heavy particle interactions.

BGN General

General bibliographic data resources that do not fall into any more specific category.

BHH Heavy Particle-Heavy Particle Interactions

Bibliographic data resources concerning heavy particle-heavy particle interactions.

BPF Photon-Particle and Field-Particle Interactions

Bibliographic data resources concerning photon-particle and field-particle interactions.

BSS Structure and Spectra

Bibliographic data resources concerning atomic and molecular structure and spectra.

BTP Transport Properties

Bibliographic data resources concerning transport properties.

Process Flags

COM Composite Process with Multiple Channels

Process occuring through multiple channels with no uniquely-defined products. For example, the summed cross section of ionization and charge-exchange.

A + B → An+