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Identifying Species and States in CollisionDB
The species involved in the CollisionDB processes are identified using the conventions of the pyvalem library:
- Atoms are identified by their element symbols:
- Molecules are sequences of element symbols, possibly with their numerical stoichiometries given (no underscore characters, _):
- Any charges are specfied after the formula in the format +, -, +q, -q (no caret characters, ^):
- Isotopes are specified in parentheses, with the mass number preceding the element symbol (no caret characters, ^); deuterium and tritium may be specified as D and T, respectively:
Quantum states are specified in any order using the following conventions:
- Atomic configurations as orbitals separated by a period, .:
- 1s
- 1s2
- 1s2.2s
- 1s2.2s2.2p4
- Atomic term symbols as follows (2S+1)L_J: spin multiplicity, 2S+1, followed by orbital angular momentum quantum number label and, optionally, J quantum number; odd parity is optionally specified with the character (o):
- Individual quantum numbers as key-value pairs (no spaces around the = sign):
- Linear molecule electron configurations:
- 1σ
- 1σ2
- 1σg2
- 1sigmau2.2sigmag1
- 1sigmag
- 1σg2.1σu2.2σg2.2σu2.1πu4.3σg2
- Molecular term symbols (with or without state labels):
- 1Σ+g
- 1SIGMA+g
- a(3SIGMA-g)
- X(3Π)
- X(3PI)
- A(1A")