DataSet D107019

\[\mathrm{e}^- + \mathrm{Sn} \; 5p^{2} \; {}^{3}\mathrm{P}_{0} \rightarrow\]

Process EEL: Elastic Scattering, EEX: Excitation, EIN: Ionization, ETS: Total Scattering, COM: Composite Process with Multiple Channels
  • e- + Sn 5p2 3P0 → Sn 5p2 3P0 + e-
  • e- + Sn 5p2 3P0 → Sn+ + 2e-
  • e- + Sn 5p2 3P0 → Sn * + e-
Data type cross section | uploaded on 2022-10-20
Comment Total integrated cross section for electron scattering from the 5p2 3P_0 ground state of atomic tin.

MethodCCC: Convergent close-coupling
  1. E /eV
  2. sigma /cm2
Uncertainty7 %
  • B43: H. Umer, I. Bray, D. V. Fursa, "Cross Sections for Electron Scattering from Atomic Tin ", Atoms 10, 78 (2022). [10.3390/atoms10030078]