DataSet D106707

\[\mathrm{B}^{5+} + \mathrm{H} \; 1s \rightarrow \mathrm{B}^{4+} \; n=5 \; l=4 \; |m|=2 + \mathrm{H}^{+}\]

Process HCX: Charge Transfer
Data type cross section | uploaded on 2022-10-12
Comment State selective classical electron capture cross sections in collision between fully striped ions and ground state hydrogen atom calculated by quasi-classical trajectory Monte Carlo-combination of target-projectile-centered method considering Heisenberg correction term. Uncertainties associated with cross sections represent statistical errors.

MethodQCTMC: Quasi-classical trajectory Monte Carlo
  1. E /eV u-1
  2. sigma /cm2
  • B40: I. Ziaeian, K. Tőkési, "State-selective electron capture cross sections in collision between fully striped ions and ground state hydrogen atom-Classical treatment of the collision ", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 146, 101509 (2022). [10.1016/j.adt.2022.101509]