DataSet D103236

\[\mathrm{e}^- + {}^{2}\mathrm{H}_{2} \; B{}^{1}\Sigma^+_{u} \; v=41 \rightarrow {}^{2}\mathrm{H} + {}^{2}\mathrm{H}^{+} + 2\mathrm{e}^-\]

Process EDI: Dissociative Ionization
  • e- + 2H2 B1Σ+u v=41 → 2H2+ 2Σ+g v=continuum + 2e-
  • 2H2+ 2Σ+g v=continuum → 2H + 2H+
Data type cross section | uploaded on 2022-07-21
Comment Cross sections for dissociative ionization of D2 via the continuum of the ionic ground state D2+ (2SIGMA+g) using the semi-classical Gryzinski method

MethodGM: Gryzinski method
  1. E /eV
  2. sigma /cm2
Uncertainty50 %
  • B35: D. Wünderlich, "Vibrationally resolved ionization cross sections for the ground state and electronically excited states of the hydrogen molecule and its isotopomeres ", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 140, 101424 (2021). [10.1016/j.adt.2021.101424]