DataSet D102021

\[\mathrm{e}^- + \mathrm{Li}\mathrm{H} \; X{}^{1}\Sigma^+ \; v=1 \rightarrow \mathrm{Li}\mathrm{H} \; X{}^{1}\Sigma^+ \; v=19 + h\nu + \mathrm{e}^-\]

Process EXE: Electronic Excitation, EXV: Vibrational Excitation, PRD: Radiative Decay
  • e- + LiH X1Σ+ v=1 → LiH A1Σ+ + e-
  • LiH A1Σ+ → LiH X1Σ+ v=19 + hν
Data type cross section | uploaded on 2022-06-01
Comment Cross sections for the two-step process, represented by the electron-impact vibro-electronic excitation of the ground state X(v) to A(v") of the LiH molecule, followed by radiative decay back on the vibrational manifold of ground state X(v').

MethodTMMM: Threshold modified Mott and Massey
  1. E /eV
  2. sigma /cm2
  • B31: R. Celiberto, A. Laricchiuta, "Cross sections for the two-step radiative decay process X (v ) →A (v) →X (v') in e-LiH collisions ", The European Physical Journal D 75, 159 (2021). [10.1140/epjd/s10053-021-00164-x]