{"qid": "D807", "reaction": "e- + Be 2s.2p;3P \u2192 Be 2p2;3P + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B7": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2018.11.001"}}, "comment": "Analytic fits for electron-impact excitation collision strengths for BeI as a function of energy in terms of threshold", "method": "Theory", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 15.0, "threshold": 4.67616, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 6.003, "A2": 36.97, "A3": 107.4, "A4": 110.7, "A5": 344.2, "A6": -562.2}, "func": "DA_fit_Be", "data_type": "collision strength"}, "data_from_fit": true, "recommended": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-05-26 11:07:43.840299+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.676e+00 0.0 5.176e+00 8.991e-17 6.176e+00 4.38e-16 7.176e+00 7.333e-16 8.176e+00 9.366e-16 9.176e+00 1.07e-15 1.018e+01 1.157e-15 1.118e+01 1.212e-15 1.218e+01 1.247e-15 1.318e+01 1.268e-15 1.418e+01 1.28e-15 1.518e+01 1.285e-15 1.618e+01 1.285e-15 1.718e+01 1.282e-15 1.818e+01 1.277e-15 1.918e+01 1.27e-15 2.018e+01 1.262e-15 2.118e+01 1.252e-15 2.218e+01 1.243e-15 2.318e+01 1.232e-15 2.418e+01 1.222e-15 2.518e+01 1.211e-15 3.018e+01 1.156e-15 3.518e+01 1.102e-15 4.018e+01 1.052e-15 4.518e+01 1.005e-15 5.018e+01 9.616e-16 5.518e+01 9.218e-16 6.018e+01 8.851e-16 6.518e+01 8.511e-16 7.018e+01 8.197e-16 7.518e+01 7.906e-16 8.018e+01 7.635e-16 8.518e+01 7.382e-16 9.018e+01 7.146e-16 9.518e+01 6.926e-16 1.002e+02 6.719e-16 1.502e+02 5.192e-16 2.002e+02 4.252e-16 2.502e+02 3.612e-16 3.002e+02 3.148e-16 3.502e+02 2.794e-16 4.002e+02 2.516e-16 4.502e+02 2.29e-16 5.002e+02 2.104e-16 5.502e+02 1.947e-16 6.002e+02 1.813e-16 6.502e+02 1.697e-16 7.002e+02 1.596e-16 7.502e+02 1.507e-16 8.002e+02 1.428e-16 8.502e+02 1.357e-16 9.002e+02 1.293e-16 9.502e+02 1.235e-16 1.000e+03 1.183e-16