{"qid": "D787", "reaction": "e- + Be 2s2;1S \u2192 Be 2s.4p;3P + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B7": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2018.11.001"}}, "comment": "Analytic fits for electron-impact excitation collision strengths for BeI as a function of energy in terms of threshold", "method": "Theory", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 15.0, "threshold": 8.28362, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 2.999, "A2": -0.9907, "A3": 0.27, "A4": -0.2808, "A5": 0.0466, "A6": 0.161}, "func": "SF_fit_Be", "data_type": "collision strength"}, "data_from_fit": true, "recommended": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-05-26 11:06:48.732002+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.284e+00 0.0 9.284e+00 6.383e-18 1.028e+01 4.821e-18 1.128e+01 3.818e-18 1.228e+01 3.136e-18 1.328e+01 2.641e-18 1.428e+01 2.265e-18 1.528e+01 1.967e-18 1.628e+01 1.725e-18 1.728e+01 1.525e-18 1.828e+01 1.356e-18 1.928e+01 1.212e-18 2.028e+01 1.088e-18 2.128e+01 9.805e-19 2.228e+01 8.869e-19 2.328e+01 8.048e-19 2.428e+01 7.326e-19 2.528e+01 6.686e-19 3.028e+01 4.391e-19 3.528e+01 3.03e-19 4.028e+01 2.174e-19 4.528e+01 1.611e-19 5.028e+01 1.226e-19 5.528e+01 9.534e-20 6.028e+01 7.56e-20 6.528e+01 6.093e-20 7.028e+01 4.981e-20 7.528e+01 4.124e-20 8.028e+01 3.452e-20 8.528e+01 2.918e-20 9.028e+01 2.489e-20 9.528e+01 2.139e-20 1.003e+02 1.853e-20 1.503e+02 5.841e-21 2.003e+02 2.541e-21 2.503e+02 1.325e-21 3.003e+02 7.764e-22 3.503e+02 4.933e-22 4.003e+02 3.326e-22 4.503e+02 2.348e-22 5.003e+02 1.719e-22 5.503e+02 1.296e-22 6.003e+02 1.001e-22 6.503e+02 7.89e-23 7.003e+02 6.33e-23 7.503e+02 5.156e-23 8.003e+02 4.255e-23 8.503e+02 3.552e-23 9.003e+02 2.996e-23 9.503e+02 2.55e-23 1.000e+03 2.189e-23