{"qid": "D781", "reaction": "e- + Be 2s2;1S \u2192 Be 2s.4d;1D + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B7": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2018.11.001"}}, "comment": "Analytic fits for electron-impact excitation collision strengths for BeI as a function of energy in terms of threshold", "method": "Theory", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 15.0, "threshold": 8.52775, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 9.195, "A2": 0.06174, "A3": 0.59, "A4": 6.95, "A5": -22.33, "A6": 18.9}, "func": "DF_fit_Be", "data_type": "collision strength"}, "data_from_fit": true, "recommended": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-05-26 11:06:32.067912+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.528e+00 0.0 9.528e+00 3.587e-18 1.053e+01 4.202e-18 1.153e+01 4.129e-18 1.253e+01 4.05e-18 1.353e+01 4.12e-18 1.453e+01 4.329e-18 1.553e+01 4.627e-18 1.653e+01 4.968e-18 1.753e+01 5.312e-18 1.853e+01 5.636e-18 1.953e+01 5.925e-18 2.053e+01 6.17e-18 2.153e+01 6.369e-18 2.253e+01 6.522e-18 2.353e+01 6.633e-18 2.453e+01 6.704e-18 2.553e+01 6.74e-18 3.053e+01 6.535e-18 3.553e+01 5.987e-18 4.053e+01 5.346e-18 4.553e+01 4.727e-18 5.053e+01 4.17e-18 5.553e+01 3.687e-18 6.053e+01 3.273e-18 6.553e+01 2.92e-18 7.053e+01 2.62e-18 7.553e+01 2.364e-18 8.053e+01 2.145e-18 8.553e+01 1.955e-18 9.053e+01 1.792e-18 9.553e+01 1.649e-18 1.005e+02 1.524e-18 1.505e+02 8.277e-19 2.005e+02 5.495e-19 2.505e+02 4.065e-19 3.005e+02 3.21e-19 3.505e+02 2.647e-19 4.005e+02 2.25e-19 4.505e+02 1.955e-19 5.005e+02 1.728e-19 5.505e+02 1.548e-19 6.005e+02 1.401e-19 6.505e+02 1.28e-19 7.005e+02 1.178e-19 7.505e+02 1.091e-19 8.005e+02 1.016e-19 8.505e+02 9.511e-20 9.005e+02 8.936e-20 9.505e+02 8.427e-20 1.001e+03 7.972e-20