{"qid": "D2156", "reaction": "e- + D2 X(1\u03a3+g);v=0 \u2192 D2 a(3\u03a3+g) + e-", "process_types": {"EDE": "Dissociative Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B9": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2020.101403"}}, "comment": "MCCC calculations of vibrationally-resolved electron-impact dissociative excitation of D2, adiabatic nuclei calculations performed with the spheroidal MCCC(210) model", "method": "MCCC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 10.0, "threshold": 14.76, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 9.27e-09, "A2": 0.00017631, "A3": -0.0011637, "A4": 0.0066179, "A5": -0.005254}, "func": "singlet_triplet_H2"}, "data_from_fit": false, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-05-26 10:40:07.859374+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.476e+01 0.0 1.500e+01 3.979e-22 1.550e+01 8.272e-22 1.600e+01 1.081e-21 1.650e+01 1.376e-21 1.700e+01 1.549e-21 1.750e+01 2.414e-21 1.800e+01 2.652e-21 1.850e+01 2.888e-21 1.900e+01 3.128e-21 1.950e+01 3.299e-21 2.000e+01 3.407e-21 2.100e+01 3.452e-21 2.200e+01 3.38e-21 2.300e+01 3.241e-21 2.400e+01 3.063e-21 2.500e+01 2.868e-21 2.600e+01 2.668e-21 2.700e+01 2.471e-21 2.800e+01 2.282e-21 2.900e+01 2.103e-21 3.000e+01 1.935e-21 3.500e+01 1.271e-21 4.000e+01 8.785e-22 4.500e+01 6.461e-22 5.000e+01 4.878e-22 6.000e+01 2.964e-22 7.000e+01 1.929e-22 8.000e+01 1.323e-22 9.000e+01 9.453e-23 1.000e+02 6.986e-23 1.250e+02 3.663e-23 1.500e+02 2.152e-23