{"qid": "D124015", "reaction": "e- + Be+ 3p;2P \u2192 Be+ 4p;2P + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B227": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2023.101634"}}, "comment": "Analytic fits to CCC calculations for electron-impact excitation collision strengths for Be+ as a function of energy in terms of threshold. The uncertainty in the original cross sections is 10 %, while the fitted ones have a total uncertainty of 15 %.", "method": "CCC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "threshold": 2.7604, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 6.0323, "A2": -105.3, "A3": 129.46, "A4": -41.503, "A5": -8.8824}, "func": "DF_fit_Be1", "data_type": "collision strength"}, "data_from_fit": false, "time_added": "2024-01-18 10:34:00.837500+00:00", "metadata_version": "M1.0", "recommended": true} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.744e+00 0.000e+00 2.784e+00 9.916e-16 2.844e+00 6.541e-16 2.884e+00 6.928e-16 2.944e+00 6.401e-16 2.984e+00 6.516e-16 3.044e+00 7.029e-16 3.084e+00 8.899e-16 3.144e+00 6.345e-16 3.184e+00 5.981e-16 3.244e+00 6.334e-16 3.284e+00 5.956e-16 3.344e+00 5.710e-16 3.384e+00 5.592e-16 3.444e+00 5.903e-16 3.484e+00 5.917e-16 3.544e+00 6.488e-16 3.584e+00 5.559e-16 3.644e+00 5.682e-16 3.684e+00 6.057e-16 3.744e+00 5.217e-16 3.784e+00 5.799e-16 3.844e+00 5.377e-16 3.884e+00 5.640e-16 3.944e+00 4.996e-16 3.984e+00 5.757e-16 4.044e+00 4.335e-16 4.084e+00 4.130e-16 4.144e+00 4.321e-16 4.244e+00 4.450e-16 4.344e+00 4.648e-16 4.444e+00 4.088e-16 4.544e+00 4.620e-16 4.644e+00 3.946e-16 4.744e+00 4.046e-16 4.844e+00 3.895e-16 4.944e+00 3.965e-16 5.044e+00 3.951e-16 5.144e+00 3.724e-16 5.244e+00 3.761e-16 5.344e+00 3.920e-16 5.444e+00 3.783e-16 5.544e+00 3.775e-16 5.644e+00 3.727e-16 5.744e+00 3.716e-16 5.844e+00 3.736e-16 5.944e+00 3.674e-16 6.144e+00 3.615e-16 6.244e+00 3.624e-16 6.344e+00 3.621e-16 6.444e+00 3.576e-16 6.544e+00 3.542e-16 6.644e+00 3.520e-16 6.744e+00 3.540e-16 6.844e+00 3.534e-16 6.944e+00 3.523e-16 7.044e+00 3.506e-16 7.094e+00 3.509e-16 7.144e+00 3.486e-16 8.094e+00 3.450e-16 9.094e+00 3.428e-16 1.009e+01 3.349e-16 1.209e+01 3.156e-16 1.409e+01 2.988e-16 1.609e+01 2.751e-16 1.809e+01 2.483e-16 2.209e+01 2.164e-16 2.609e+01 1.913e-16 3.009e+01 1.798e-16 3.409e+01 1.676e-16 4.209e+01 1.481e-16 5.009e+01 1.260e-16 5.809e+01 1.097e-16 6.609e+01 9.770e-17 8.209e+01 7.944e-17 9.809e+01 6.737e-17 1.141e+02 5.875e-17 1.301e+02 5.220e-17 1.461e+02 4.702e-17 1.621e+02 4.276e-17 1.781e+02 3.926e-17 1.941e+02 3.638e-17 2.101e+02 3.385e-17 2.261e+02 3.164e-17