{"qid": "D123999", "reaction": "e- + Be+ 3s;2S \u2192 Be+ 4d;2D + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B227": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2023.101634"}}, "comment": "Analytic fits to CCC calculations for electron-impact excitation collision strengths for Be+ as a function of energy in terms of threshold. The uncertainty in the original cross sections is 10 %, while the fitted ones have a total uncertainty of 15 %.", "method": "CCC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "threshold": 3.867, "fit": {"coeffs": {"A1": 2.5544, "A2": 0.34741, "A3": -45.454, "A4": 82.963, "A5": -42.422}, "func": "DF_fit_Be1", "data_type": "collision strength"}, "data_from_fit": false, "time_added": "2024-01-18 10:33:44.211805+00:00", "metadata_version": "M1.0", "recommended": true} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.879e+00 3.369e-16 3.919e+00 3.231e-16 3.979e+00 3.122e-16 4.019e+00 3.276e-16 4.079e+00 3.587e-16 4.119e+00 4.340e-16 4.179e+00 4.010e-16 4.219e+00 3.528e-16 4.279e+00 3.859e-16 4.319e+00 3.710e-16 4.379e+00 3.814e-16 4.419e+00 3.579e-16 4.479e+00 3.806e-16 4.519e+00 3.150e-16 4.579e+00 3.904e-16 4.619e+00 3.441e-16 4.679e+00 4.139e-16 4.719e+00 3.808e-16 4.779e+00 3.492e-16 4.819e+00 5.136e-16 4.879e+00 3.775e-16 4.919e+00 3.766e-16 4.979e+00 3.021e-16 5.019e+00 4.237e-16 5.079e+00 2.851e-16 5.119e+00 2.834e-16 5.179e+00 2.898e-16 5.279e+00 3.164e-16 5.379e+00 3.038e-16 5.479e+00 2.893e-16 5.579e+00 3.078e-16 5.679e+00 2.999e-16 5.779e+00 2.840e-16 5.879e+00 2.753e-16 5.979e+00 2.718e-16 6.079e+00 2.768e-16 6.179e+00 2.651e-16 6.279e+00 2.552e-16 6.379e+00 2.640e-16 6.479e+00 2.690e-16 6.579e+00 2.677e-16 6.679e+00 2.538e-16 6.779e+00 2.543e-16 6.879e+00 2.583e-16 6.979e+00 2.583e-16 7.179e+00 2.411e-16 7.279e+00 2.415e-16 7.379e+00 2.376e-16 7.479e+00 2.442e-16 7.579e+00 2.468e-16 7.679e+00 2.465e-16 7.779e+00 2.356e-16 7.879e+00 2.318e-16 7.979e+00 2.299e-16 8.079e+00 2.304e-16 8.129e+00 2.336e-16 8.179e+00 2.344e-16 9.129e+00 2.262e-16 1.013e+01 2.220e-16 1.113e+01 2.109e-16 1.313e+01 1.997e-16 1.513e+01 1.913e-16 1.713e+01 1.778e-16 1.913e+01 1.656e-16 2.313e+01 1.483e-16 2.713e+01 1.337e-16 3.113e+01 1.190e-16 3.513e+01 1.050e-16 4.313e+01 8.631e-17 5.113e+01 7.376e-17 5.913e+01 6.435e-17 6.713e+01 5.721e-17 8.313e+01 4.637e-17 9.913e+01 3.906e-17 1.151e+02 3.372e-17 1.311e+02 2.965e-17 1.471e+02 2.644e-17 1.631e+02 2.387e-17 1.791e+02 2.172e-17 1.951e+02 1.994e-17 2.111e+02 1.843e-17 2.271e+02 1.714e-17