{"qid": "D121320", "reaction": "H+ + H2 \u2192 H+ + H 3p + H", "process_types": {"HDE": "Dissociative Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B173": {"url": "https://amdis.iaea.org/media/db/ORNL/ORNL-Red_Book_-_1.pdf"}}, "comment": "Data entry from page C-52 of the ORNL Redbook on the atomic and molecular collisional data for fusion. ", "method": "semi-empirical", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV.u-1"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 50, "fit": {"coeffs": {"pcf(1)": -81.5559158325, "pcf(2)": -0.1986040622, "pcf(3)": -0.2054918855, "pcf(4)": -0.040436212, "pcf(5)": -0.0225802567, "pcf(6)": -0.0130786998, "pcf(7)": -0.0045031291, "pcf(8)": 0.0, "pcf(9)": 0.0, "pcf(10)": 15000.0, "pcf(11)": 30000.0, "kncf": 11}, "func": "CHEB", "Elo": 15000.0, "Ehi": 30000.0}, "data_from_fit": true, "from_aladdin": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2023-02-09 16:42:21.118631+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.500e+04 1.99e-18 1.521e+04 2.026e-18 1.543e+04 2.06e-18 1.565e+04 2.092e-18 1.587e+04 2.123e-18 1.610e+04 2.152e-18 1.633e+04 2.18e-18 1.656e+04 2.207e-18 1.680e+04 2.233e-18 1.704e+04 2.257e-18 1.728e+04 2.28e-18 1.753e+04 2.301e-18 1.778e+04 2.32e-18 1.803e+04 2.337e-18 1.829e+04 2.352e-18 1.855e+04 2.365e-18 1.881e+04 2.375e-18 1.908e+04 2.383e-18 1.935e+04 2.388e-18 1.963e+04 2.39e-18 1.990e+04 2.39e-18 2.019e+04 2.386e-18 2.048e+04 2.38e-18 2.077e+04 2.372e-18 2.106e+04 2.36e-18 2.136e+04 2.347e-18 2.167e+04 2.331e-18 2.198e+04 2.312e-18 2.229e+04 2.292e-18 2.261e+04 2.27e-18 2.293e+04 2.246e-18 2.326e+04 2.221e-18 2.359e+04 2.194e-18 2.392e+04 2.165e-18 2.426e+04 2.134e-18 2.461e+04 2.102e-18 2.496e+04 2.067e-18 2.532e+04 2.03e-18 2.568e+04 1.99e-18 2.604e+04 1.947e-18 2.641e+04 1.9e-18 2.679e+04 1.848e-18 2.717e+04 1.791e-18 2.756e+04 1.728e-18 2.795e+04 1.659e-18 2.835e+04 1.583e-18 2.875e+04 1.499e-18 2.916e+04 1.407e-18 2.958e+04 1.308e-18 3.000e+04 1.202e-18