{"qid": "D121276", "reaction": "H+ + H \u2192 H+ + H n=3", "process_types": {"HEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B173": {"url": "https://amdis.iaea.org/media/db/ORNL/ORNL-Red_Book_-_1.pdf"}}, "comment": "Data entry from page C-48 of the ORNL Redbook on the atomic and molecular collisional data for fusion. ", "method": "semi-empirical", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV.u-1"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 50, "fit": {"coeffs": {"pcf(1)": -77.2727737427, "pcf(2)": 0.1492357701, "pcf(3)": -0.3515499532, "pcf(4)": -0.0157772563, "pcf(5)": 0.0571627803, "pcf(6)": -0.0247443188, "pcf(7)": -0.0161700603, "pcf(8)": 0.0, "pcf(9)": 0.0, "pcf(10)": 15000.0, "pcf(11)": 200000.0, "kncf": 11}, "func": "CHEB", "Elo": 15000.0, "Ehi": 200000.0}, "data_from_fit": true, "from_aladdin": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2023-02-09 16:42:12.903106+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.500e+04 1.092e-17 1.581e+04 1.115e-17 1.667e+04 1.142e-17 1.758e+04 1.174e-17 1.853e+04 1.211e-17 1.954e+04 1.255e-17 2.060e+04 1.305e-17 2.172e+04 1.361e-17 2.290e+04 1.424e-17 2.414e+04 1.493e-17 2.545e+04 1.567e-17 2.683e+04 1.647e-17 2.829e+04 1.73e-17 2.982e+04 1.817e-17 3.144e+04 1.905e-17 3.315e+04 1.994e-17 3.495e+04 2.082e-17 3.684e+04 2.167e-17 3.884e+04 2.246e-17 4.095e+04 2.32e-17 4.318e+04 2.384e-17 4.552e+04 2.439e-17 4.799e+04 2.483e-17 5.060e+04 2.515e-17 5.334e+04 2.535e-17 5.624e+04 2.543e-17 5.929e+04 2.538e-17 6.251e+04 2.523e-17 6.590e+04 2.497e-17 6.948e+04 2.462e-17 7.325e+04 2.419e-17 7.723e+04 2.37e-17 8.142e+04 2.317e-17 8.584e+04 2.261e-17 9.050e+04 2.204e-17 9.542e+04 2.146e-17 1.006e+05 2.089e-17 1.061e+05 2.034e-17 1.118e+05 1.98e-17 1.179e+05 1.929e-17 1.243e+05 1.88e-17 1.310e+05 1.833e-17 1.381e+05 1.786e-17 1.456e+05 1.74e-17 1.535e+05 1.691e-17 1.619e+05 1.64e-17 1.707e+05 1.583e-17 1.799e+05 1.519e-17 1.897e+05 1.444e-17 2.000e+05 1.358e-17