{"qid": "D110116", "reaction": "e- + H2+ 1s-\u03c3g1;v=0 \u2192 H2+ 2p-\u03c0u1 + e-", "process_types": {"EXE": "Electronic Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B66": {"doi": "10.1103/physreva.90.022711"}}, "comment": "Convergent close-coupling calculations of electron scattering from H2+ initially in the electronic ground 1sSg, vibrational state v_i=0. Integrated cross sections for the transition (1sSg, v_i) ---> 2pPu, where s and p refers to orbital angular momentum l = 0 and l = 1, respectively, S refers to the symbol sigma (orbital angular momentum projection m = 0), P refers to the symbol pi (orbital angular momentum projection |m| = 1), and g and u refers to states even or odd parity, respectively. Cross sections are calculated in the adiabatic-nuclei approximation where the cross section have been summed analytically over all final rotational and vibrational states. These cross sections were calculated with a 351-state CCC calculation. To reference and for details see M. C. Zammit, D. V. Fursa, and I. Bray, Phys. Rev. A 90, 022711 (2014).", "method": "theory", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "from_aladdin": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2023-02-09 16:06:43.410154+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.150e+01 2.202e-23 1.300e+01 2.124e-23 1.500e+01 1.449e-19 2.000e+01 3.574e-17 3.000e+01 2.867e-17 4.000e+01 2.958e-17 5.000e+01 2.918e-17 6.000e+01 2.925e-17 7.500e+01 2.851e-17 9.000e+01 2.757e-17 1.000e+02 2.687e-17 1.150e+02 2.587e-17 1.300e+02 2.485e-17 1.500e+02 2.358e-17 1.750e+02 2.213e-17 2.000e+02 2.077e-17 2.500e+02 1.844e-17 3.000e+02 1.659e-17 4.000e+02 1.383e-17 5.000e+02 1.187e-17 6.250e+02 1.018e-17 7.500e+02 8.923e-18 1.000e+03 7.191e-18