{"qid": "D109719", "reaction": "e- + H 3s \u2192 H 3s + e-", "process_types": {"EEL": "Elastic Scattering"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B61": {"doi": "10.1088/0953-4075/43/14/144006"}}, "comment": "Data using the CCC method with l_max=4 and N_l=15-l.", "method": "theory", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 10, "from_aladdin": true, "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2023-02-09 16:05:44.803193+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.580e-02 3.212e-12 2.580e-02 3.122e-12 4.580e-02 2.482e-12 8.580e-02 1.7e-12 1.658e-01 1.036e-12 3.258e-01 5.735e-13 6.058e-01 3.229e-13 6.708e-01 2.938e-13 6.808e-01 2.96e-13 7.008e-01 2.91e-13 7.408e-01 2.648e-13 8.208e-01 2.423e-13 9.808e-01 1.982e-13 1.206e+00 1.601e-13 1.406e+00 1.365e-13 1.906e+00 1.003e-13 2.406e+00 8e-14 2.906e+00 6.785e-14 3.406e+00 5.872e-14 3.906e+00 5.57e-14 4.906e+00 4.567e-14 5.906e+00 3.901e-14 7.906e+00 3.019e-14 1.291e+01 1.903e-14 1.791e+01 1.367e-14 2.291e+01 1.058e-14 2.791e+01 8.589e-15 3.291e+01 7.225e-15 3.791e+01 6.222e-15 4.791e+01 4.856e-15 6.791e+01 3.374e-15 8.791e+01 2.594e-15 1.379e+02 1.659e-15 1.879e+02 1.228e-15 4.879e+02 4.878e-16 9.879e+02 2.446e-16