{"qid": "D107010", "reaction": "e- + Sn 5p2;3P_0 \u2192 Sn 5p.6s;3Po_0 + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B43": {"doi": "10.3390/atoms10030078"}}, "comment": "Integrated cross section for electron impact excitation of the 5p2 3P_0 ground state of atomic tin to the 5p.6s 3Po_0 state.", "method": "RCCC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 10.0, "threshold": "4.290", "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-10-17 13:51:51.128809+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.290e+00 0.0 4.300e+00 8.574e-18 4.400e+00 5.377e-18 4.500e+00 4.287e-18 4.600e+00 6.015e-18 4.700e+00 9.381e-18 4.800e+00 1.33e-17 4.900e+00 1.673e-17 5.000e+00 1.859e-17 5.100e+00 1.82e-17 5.600e+00 1.29e-17 5.800e+00 1.2e-17 6.000e+00 1.093e-17 6.200e+00 9.91e-18 6.400e+00 9.168e-18 6.600e+00 8.588e-18 6.800e+00 8.006e-18 7.000e+00 7.446e-18 7.400e+00 6.592e-18 7.800e+00 6.074e-18 8.200e+00 5.441e-18 8.600e+00 4.9e-18 9.000e+00 4.438e-18 9.400e+00 3.996e-18 9.800e+00 3.814e-18 1.000e+01 3.78e-18 1.200e+01 2.36e-18 1.400e+01 1.571e-18 1.600e+01 1.118e-18 1.800e+01 9.093e-19 2.000e+01 6.345e-19 2.500e+01 3.05e-19 3.000e+01 1.963e-19 4.000e+01 1.295e-19 5.000e+01 7.029e-20 6.000e+01 3.677e-20 7.000e+01 2.015e-20 8.000e+01 1.257e-20 9.000e+01 8.297e-21 1.000e+02 5.732e-21 1.400e+02 1.97e-21 1.800e+02 8.457e-22 2.000e+02 5.928e-22 3.000e+02 1.389e-22 5.000e+02 1.597e-23