{"qid": "D107006", "reaction": "e- + Sn 5p2;3P_0 \u2192 Sn 5p.5d;3Do_1 + e-", "process_types": {"EEX": "Excitation"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B43": {"doi": "10.3390/atoms10030078"}}, "comment": "Integrated cross section for electron impact excitation of the 5p2 3P_0 ground state of atomic tin to the 5p.5d 3Do_1 state.", "method": "RCCC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 7.0, "threshold": "5.670", "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-10-17 13:51:46.783113+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.670e+00 0.0 5.800e+00 4.842e-18 6.200e+00 1.118e-17 6.600e+00 1.697e-17 7.000e+00 2.23e-17 7.400e+00 2.715e-17 7.800e+00 3.176e-17 8.200e+00 3.604e-17 8.600e+00 4.058e-17 8.800e+00 4.296e-17 9.000e+00 4.528e-17 9.200e+00 4.735e-17 9.400e+00 4.915e-17 9.600e+00 5.077e-17 9.800e+00 5.234e-17 1.000e+01 5.402e-17 1.200e+01 7.138e-17 1.400e+01 8.342e-17 1.500e+01 9.025e-17 1.800e+01 1.017e-16 2.000e+01 1.069e-16 2.500e+01 1.129e-16 3.000e+01 1.164e-16 4.000e+01 1.224e-16 5.000e+01 1.213e-16 6.000e+01 1.197e-16 7.000e+01 1.169e-16 8.000e+01 1.117e-16 9.000e+01 1.064e-16 1.000e+02 1.021e-16 1.400e+02 8.689e-17 1.800e+02 7.499e-17 2.000e+02 7.032e-17 3.000e+02 5.371e-17 5.000e+02 3.702e-17