{"qid": "D102651", "reaction": "H+ + H 2p \u2192 H 5f + H+", "process_types": {"HCX": "Charge Transfer"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B32": {"doi": "10.1016/j.adt.2019.05.002"}}, "comment": "State selective electron capture cross sections in H+ + H collisions using a semiclassical close-coupling approach. Cross sections represent the average values of the results obtained with two basis sets and the uncertainties provide the estimate of convergence of the cross sections", "method": "CC", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV.u-1"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "metadata_version": "M1.0", "time_added": "2022-06-14 07:20:47.343748+00:00"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.000e+03 9.263e-18:1.4e-17 4.000e+03 3.786e-17:3.3e-17 9.000e+03 1.405e-17:7.2e-17 1.600e+04 2.258e-18:8.5e-17 2.500e+04 2.973e-19:1.9e-17 3.600e+04 6.446e-20:2.4e-17 4.900e+04 1.724e-20:1.9e-17 6.400e+04 7.669e-21:3.1e-17 8.100e+04 3.573e-21:1.5e-16 1.000e+05 1.346e-21:3.1e-17